Lollipops - Chapter 3

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It had been a whole two weeks since Naomi and Sirius' last encounter, and it was both their strong beliefs that they had seen the last of each other fourteen days ago on the Astronomy Tower. However, they were proved wrong when they passed each other in the corridor.

It was about 2:00am, way past their curfew, and in the dead of night, when they were supposed to be sleeping.

Though, who ever said the Marauders—or Naomi Serdeys for that matter—ever followed the rules?

But anyways, alongside Sirius were James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. At first, the boys didn't notice the girl who was stood in front of them. They were too caught up in catching their breaths (for reasons yet to be discovered) to notice the straight postured girl in front of them. Although their hands were on their knees in exhaustion, and their bodies leaned against the wall in support, the four boys began to recover. Soon, one by one, they each began to acknowledge the fact that another person was in their presence.

The first to notice was Remus. He looked up, only to meet another's ocean blue eyes. And so, with wide eyes, he discreetly notified his mates with slight elbow nudges. Peter was the last to be notified.

Soon enough, all attention was put onto the calmly smiling girl, who was quick to make conversation with much cheeriness, "Hello!"

The second to speak was Remus, though he sounded just as confuzzled as he looked. "Hi, erm... what are you doing here?"

"I'm just going for a nice night stroll, is all," she casually replied.

Even though she didn't realize it, Naomi was coming off as slightly odd.

The boys said nothing about this, though the discreet looks that they shared said it all; 'Okay then.'

"What are you doing here?" Naomi finally asked. "Actually never mind—it's kind of obvious, isn't it? You're pranking someone, aren't you!" she predicted.

"How'd you know that!" Peter's eyes widened as he exclaimed in a hushed tone, the surprise and shock evident in his voice.

Before Naomi was given the opportunity to answer with a response, Sirius decided that it was time for him to show off his defined muscles and shaggy, flattering curls. He stepped up front with a smirk, "Isn't it obvious, lads? She's stalking me,"

The girl lightly smiled, though offered no words. The tallest of the four (Remus) changed the topic, speaking with worry evident in his voice and logic behind his reasoning, "Guys, we should go. Filch should be coming any moment now."

Obviously, it was Argus Filch they were talking of, otherwise known as the school caretaker, whom they had probably pranked. He was a rather bitter and grumpy man, who relied on his cat, Mrs. Norris, to catch all of the children who broke the school rules. The man held no mercy or kindness, and no one wanted to get on his bad side—though it seemed that once you became enrolled at Hogwarts, you already have gotten on it—but it wasn't like he had a good side anyways.

Mr. Filch's snuffled footsteps echoed in the hall, as well as the 'meow' that emitted from his cat's mouth. The five people were frozen for a moment, rooted to the ground and seemingly incapable to move. Though, when the man and cat rounded the corner, the man utterly furious for the reason being that his skin was the colour blue, they seemed to remember their ability to move.

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