Lollipops - Chapter 12

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The first of December struck those residing in Hogwarts, and the rise of a snowfall was quick to make its way upon them on the chilly Wednesday afternoon. Currently, Naomi was in Charms class with the Hufflepuffs, and they were studying the 'Aguamenti' charm with their Charms teacher, Professor Flitwick.

It was a dull day to most, and classes were rather tedious. Naomi presumed that everyone was influenced to be stodgy by the humdrum snowfall that was being cast down upon them, but per usual, her energy was on point and high with perkiness, her vivaciousness brightly radiating off of her and making the auras of her classmates look moreover bland.

"Who can tell me what type of Charm the Aguamenti spell is?" Professor Flitwick asked from the stack of books he was standing on in his high pitched, squeaky voice. He was not dejected by the lack of enthusiasm expressed by his students, and rather acted as if it were any other day.

There were only a select few who raised their hands high, as most simply had their heads lazily resting in their palms, or were pretending to listen to the Professor, but were really weary of the class on the inside. However, the person to be called on was Naomi, who was cool with the prospect of reviewing with their teacher.

The Professor kindly nodded at her, encouraging her to speak.

"The Aguamenti charm is a conjuration, sir," Naomi happily responded.

Professor Flitwick nodded, evidently pleased, and moved on to the next question, "Great work, Ms. Serdeys. Now, for the last and final question; what colour is the light that is produced once the Aguamenti charm has been cast?"

Again, Naomi positively raised her hand, but this time, she was not called on. Rather, a short and stout girl adorned in the usual Hufflepuff themed dress code was selected to answer the question, and she did so with politeness. "The colour emitted would be an icy blue, Professor,"

"Correct," he grinned from his position.

The girl beamed, and Professor Flitwick did the same before he curtly began to address his entire class. "Alright, now that each and every one of you has knowledge to these seven questions that will be on your NEWTs, you shall spend the last twenty minutes of this class writing the answers to them and quizzing yourself."

At the mention of their Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, the sixth years who were not, in fact, listening, jolted up from their dazes as if the abbreviation set off an alarm in their heads. After hearing the latter part of the sentence, however, a couple of them quietly grumbled and moaned simultaneously. Nonetheless, they obliged and began to reluctantly take out their notebooks, along with a quill and ink.

Unlike what some would think, it was not a shock for the NEWTs to be brought up so early along the semester, especially since they were in their sixth year, and the exams were to be taken in seventh, because their Professors wanted them to be well prepared.


There were those who were desperate to record the correct answers and began to shuffle through their textbooks hastily, but they were at once put to a stop by their Professor, who had swiftly shut their textbooks with a swish of his hand. Adding along to his bold action, he sternly said, "No textbooks. By now, you should most definitely know this on your own."

Naomi was fine with that, and even though some others weren't, they were forced to obey their Professor. Those who had not been listening to their teacher were trying to casually lean over in their seats and peer at the works of their fellow classmates to cheat. Naomi could practically feel the pairs of eyes being directed on her paper, but she payed no mind and was open minded to letting people copy her work, even though she knew that the well used tactic was not rightful. She was much too sympathetic for them to do much about it.

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