Lollipops - Chapter 38

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"I'm not whipped." Sirius grumbled to his friends in their dormitory. He was lying down on his back with his arms resting behind his head, staring at the roof of the ceiling.

It was currently nighttime in the boys' dorm. Frank Longbottom was already deep asleep, so Remus, James, Sirius, and Peter were openly talking about Naomi without the concern that Frank would overhear.

"Yes, you are," Peter whispered quietly, responding to Sirius' former statement.

"No, I'm not," Sirius firmly stated before making his voice lighter. "It's much more than that."

"You reckon?" Remus said sarcastically. "You've been talking about her nonstop for the past few months; what else would you expect?"

"But, it's more than that," Sirius breathed, wondering how he could word it in a simple way to his friends.

"Remus is right. Naomi is all you've talked about for the past few months." Peter said. For some reason, there was a resentful tone in his voice. Like he was jealous.

"I think—I think I'm in love," Sirius slowly breathed. When his friends remained silent, he continued. "I know it sounds crazy, but I really think she's the one."

"Blimey, Padfoot," James murmured. "You are the definition of whipped,"

Sirius wasted no time in launching a pillow at James, who hissed dramatically in pain. Remus laughed at their antics while Peter remained silent, dwelling very much on what Sirius just said.

Sirius simmered down before turning to his side and sighing, shutting his eyes closed, but not quite sleeping. He couldn't help but think about how dull and depressing life would be without the sunshine of his life; Naomi.


It was morning time, and every student was getting up, prepared to head to their morning classes.

All except Naomi.

Naomi hadn't had a blink of sleep that night. She couldn't believe it; she didn't believe it. But at the same time, she wondered, could it be true? Could the cancer that she'd had for a majority of her life really disappear? Just like that?

Questions continuously flowed through her brain, all of which she had no answer to. How on earth could this happen? She should've been thrilled, but, for some odd reason, she just felt confused.

Cancer had been her ultimate downfall. It was the reason she cried, the reason she was lonely, and the reason she restricted herself from doing basic things that every teenager should get the chance to do. But, just yesterday, she discovered that it was gone; that she no longer had cancer.

It all felt like such a waste; the tears she had shed due to her cancer, the constant headaches that she would have because of it, and the hardest part of all, acknowledging that she was going to die. Or, at least, that was what she had thought up until yesterday night, when her life changed.

Madam Pomfrey had told Naomi that it was so unlikely she was going to survive, that she shouldn't even hope for any chance of survival. And yet, there she was, in her bedroom dorm, no longer a cancer patient.

Naomi sighed. She had always asked herself why it had to be her. Her that was going to die. Her that had to suffer. All her time uselessly pondering and drowning in her own sympathy... it was just a waste?

Naomi groaned aloud, rolling onto her stomach. She was just going to skip classes for the day. She needed time to process that—

"Well, that's one way to greet me." A light voice joked aloud. Naomi shifted her body upright, seeing that it was Lily at her door.

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