Lollipops - Chapter 6

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Each weekday at around 8:00 in the evening, three children exited their common rooms and made their way along dark hallways leading to a secluded, abandoned classroom. They were so forth; Naomi, Regulus, and Severus.

Usually, the first to arrive would be Naomi. This was mainly because her roommates were not close enough to her to pester her about what activities she indulged in at such times. At most, she was given the occasional suspicious glance by her prefect, but nothing more.

And so, pitter patter her feet would go as she shuffled her bare and naked feet across the floor (she was shameless) as she passed chattery portraits and standing knights in armour, humming the tune of a children's lullaby.

She would wait in the classroom for roughly ten minutes before the next person would bustle into the place; Regulus Black.

He would be come late due to his dark and creepy roommates who were, what Regulus said, 'overprotective'. Once he'd arrive, he would presume to apologize to Naomi in a flustered and frantic state, seeming to have rushed to get there. The boy was very caring and loving yet mysterious and alluring all at once, something the Black brothers seemed to have in common.

The last to show his face would usually be the all-knowing Severus Snape. Surprisingly enough, the reason for his being late was his prim and proper, tough roommates. Apparently, they wanted to make sure that the boy was hanging out with the right crowd, knowing of his past experiences with meddling among other... certain people whom they disapproved of—otherwise known as Lily Evans.

They knew that the boy had great potential and could one day be of use, making them seek for Severus to be in perfect condition by the time he would be serving a very, very special person.

However, the simple excuse of, 'I'm off to the library' usually did the trick to convince his mates that they need not worry of his whereabouts, and to lay off.

By the time Severus made an appearance and the whole gang was reunited, it was nearing 8:20, leaving the trio little time to catch up. Though, some time was better than none, so the boys and girl did not take their time for granted, and spent it on cherishing moments filled with laughter and jokes, each enjoying every moment spent with one another's company.

And so, the same routine was followed and completed with that Thursday night; Naomi arrived first, and she hummed the melody of an unidentified children's song to pass time for ten minutes straight. Then, Regulus came next, and the two chatted for a while as they were waiting for Severus. Then finally, Severus came after a moment's worth of waiting, and the three's so-called 'session' began.

An unlikely bunch the three were, but when put together, they formed a strong, almost unbreakable team.

They were, in some words, outcasts. People who felt alone, but when reunited, felt loved. People who everybody expected too much of, but when reunited, felt like they could be themselves.

Well, at least that was what Naomi felt. The boys most likely weren't as passionate about one another as she was because despite the fact that their Slytherin friends weren't the best ones, they were still their friends, which seemed to be something that most people just couldn't understand.

Naomi, however, had no friends other than them, leaving her to cherish her every blinking moment with them. As she laughed, joked, and playfully shoved her friends, she couldn't help but feel like she was much more at ease; like she was free and healthy. There was nothing to worry about.





"Ouch, you stepped on my toe!"

"Your fat head is blocking my way!"

"Geez, it's like you guys want to get caught!"

Four gangly and grown teenage boys; one cloak — didn't fit well.

Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs — more formerly known as Remus, Sirius, Peter, and James — had just arrived from the Slytherin common rooms and were secretly making their way down the empty and secluded halls, having just completed their latest prank. Snails and worms were involved, which didn't turn out to be a pretty sight.

Though, that was irrelevant. The real thing to focus on was; what were four boys doing underneath one single cloak?

Well for starters, the cloak was no ordinary one. No — it was an invisibility cloak, meaning that the boys could roam the halls, undetected and appearing as, well, nothing! With the help of the cloak, of course.

Yes, it was not yet past curfew, and the boys were allowed to travel the halls at their own free will, meaning that they did not need the protection of the invisibility cloak, but they were still in Slytherin 'territory' and they didn't want to pick a fight with anyone.

Though, however helpful the cloak was, the boys were still an easy target, because despite the fact that they were invisible, their scuffling feet still pounded against the floors, and their frantic whispers echoed through the dull silence, which led them to their next artifact, The Marauders Map.

The Marauders Map was a magical document that revealed all of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was capable of accurately identifying anyone on Hogwarts grounds. It stated where they were, and who they were.

The single piece of parchment that held a variety of magic created by the Marauders was made for one purpose, and that was to aid them in roaming the school grounds without getting caught.

So, back to the present, as the four teenagers childishly bantered, Sirius, who was in duty of keeping on the lookout, absentmindedly glanced at the map to make sure the coast was clear. His eyes skimmed over the map lazily — everything seemed to be all good.

Until his eyes landed on the section of an unspecific, abandoned classroom. Three dots were in it in the formation of a triangle, signifying that the supposedly abandoned classroom was being occupied at the moment. Sirius took a peek at the names of said people, and when he did, his eyes enlarged, for — and he did a double take when he saw — the people were Regulus Black, Severus Snape, and Naomi Serdeys.

There was only one thought running through Sirius' mind as he caught sight of the three names together, and it was, "What are those three doing together?"

However, he was quick to come up with an answer to his unspoken question, "Those two Slytherins are probably harassing her."

And so, Sirius sought out to help, believing that he was in the right. Oh, how wrong he was.


Guys, this chapter was real trash and I actually feel really bad for those of you who expected much and were given this. Was this chapter too long? If so, sorry.

I get the feeling that many things don't make sense so I'll try to explain better in the next chapter.

And guess what?

In the time span of one week, this book cover changed four times.

On the brighter side, my school Disney Show is tomorrow, which is basically a school concert except all the songs are from Disney movies. My class is doing the song 'Zero to Hero' from Hercules.

I feel like I'm blabbing on so let's just close this chapter up.

QOTD: Favourite ice cream flavour?
AOTD: French Vanilla

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