Lollipops - Chapter 5

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"As you know, you're NEWTs are coming as of next year, and you must be prepared," Professor McGonagall said to the Ravenclaws and Slytherins sternly, keeping her beady, cat-like eyes on them. The boys and girls  muttered distastefully at the thought of their long away exams, but were easily quietened down by their strict Professor, "If I hear any complaining, I am sure that no one will be pleased with the outcome."

The students responded with hurried nods and murmurs, none fancying the idea of what their teacher had in store for them. This caused Professor McGonagall to nod, quite pleased with her students' obedience.

Oddly enough, the sixteen and seventeen-year-olds were not poshly seated in their chairs with their desks in neat rows like usual. Instead, their wooden desks had been roughly shoved to the sides, leaving much room and space in the centre of the room, where the students either clad in navy blue and bronze or emerald green and black stood opposite one another.

To an outsider, the boys and girls looked like an odd bunch, what with the way they firmly held wooden sticks in their palms that were, for some reason, brandished out. Though, any witch or wizard would know that they were practicing non-verbal spells. This was soon to be explained by the Professor, "Now, who can tell the class what a non-verbal spell is?"

A few students gingerly raised their hands at the easy-to-answer question, but only one was to be called on, and this was the Ravenclaw, Charles Stebbins, who answered proudly and snootily, "A nonverbal spell is a spell in which it is performed without saying the incantation out loud."

"Excellent. Five points to Ravenclaw," Professor McGonagall murmured, "And what are the advantages to using nonverbal spells?"

This time, Naomi Serdeys was called on, "Your opponent has no knowledge of what you are doing, which leaves them no time to strike back or defend themselves,"

"Another five points to Ravenclaw," the teacher approved. "As you know, a war is brewing, meaning that you must take care of yourselves and be aware," A dark feeling cast over the room, and it seemed that the Professor acknowledged it. "This is common knowledge, so do not act surprised. With dark forces on the rise, we must prepare ourselves, and what better way to do this than mastering the art of nonverbal spells?"

The teenagers remained silent, leaving the woman to continue. "And so, I have paired you with members from the opposite house to make it simple; the Ravenclaws will simply be sending a small Stinging jinx towards their Slytherin partner, who will be defending themselves with the anti-jinx charm. Not very complex for sixth years,"

And indeed, it wasn't complex for the sixth years to do, however, Naomi found herself thinking up quite a complex theory; Professor McGonagall had put it in her power to make sure that the Slytherins were not the ones to cast the hex because she didn't trust them. She most likely believed that they were going to use Dark Magic along the way.

This was probably because a group of seventh year Slytherins were caught discussing their next terror attack among a couple of Death Eaters, their arms bearing that of the Dark Mark, just on the outskirts of the Great Lake. You can bet that that caused some alarm.

Naomi knew that, in some cases, her Professor's opinion to the matter was not very reliable. For example, her partner, for instance, would never use Dark Magic to hurt his fellow classmates. (The Marauders didn't count.) The boy had Naomi's complete faith and trust, even though he was viewed as a creepy bloke by his peers.

For, it was the boy who bore dark, obsidian eyes that were, in his classmates' point of view, as black as his soul, and raven, shoulder length, overly greasy hair. It was the boy who loomed over textbooks and potions cauldrons, and lurked alone in the shadows.

It was Severus Snape.

And even though it seemed peculiar that Naomi put her trust in someone like him, it really wasn't. Once you thought about it, the pair seemed like the perfect match, with the way they could relate to each other on a high personal level.

But again, them relating to each other on a personal level seemed to be another peculiar thing. On one hand, there was Naomi, who seemed to be a girl that could only fit rainbows, lollipops, and love in her life. Yet, on the other hand was Severus, who was like a bouquet of dark, drooping, dead flowers.

So, it is asked again, how could Naomi trust such a bloke?

Well, the keyword was seemed. Although it seemed as if they would never be caught in public with one another, they understood each other more than anyone else could, and it was because of this that they truly appreciated each other. It was quite simple, really. They both grew up living a rough childhood with their parents neglecting them, and they both had the rare friend. That did not seem like many reasons, but it was the quality that qualified, not the quantity, right?

At least, that was what Naomi told herself when she thought about her only two friends; Severus Snape and Regulus Black.


Okay, first things first, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100+ READS!

Secondly, go check out xxLumosMagicxx her fanfics are pure beauty.

QOTD: Days left of school?
AOTD: 19 excluding weekends.

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