Lollipops - Chapter 19

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Naomi groggily awoke from her sleep due to the buzzing sound of her alarm clock. It was 8:00 in the morning, and the sky was dull and foggy. She quickly pressed the off-button on the alarm because she didn't want her father to wake up.

Naomi had been getting up this early for the whole of the Christmas Break so far—so for seven days. This was because she'd like to maintain a clean and organized house. To explain, Naomi had been getting up so early in order to complete the daily chores that her father neglected to do, such as cleaning the dishes or wiping the surfaces. Today she was going grocery shopping.

The day before, she'd snatched a quick $20 from her father, because she knew that asking him would do no good—he wouldn't have answered her if she did. Naomi knew that stealing wasn't exactly a prideful deed, but she'd been surviving off of packs of chips throughout the course of a week, and needless to say, Naomi was on the edge of frustration and hunger. This was, of course, why she chose to go grocery shopping.

Naomi crawled out of her bed and jumped into the shower. As she did so, she prayed that her day would be better than the last, because living with her father was absolutely dreadful.

She eventually climbed out of the shower, and, after going through the rest of her necessities—brushing her teeth, brushing her hair—she tied up her hair in a bun and threw on jeans and a T-shirt.

The local grocery store wasn't far from her house, so, grabbing the twenty dollar bill from her drawer and shoving it into her pocket, Naomi quietly shifted downstairs and threw on a jacket before heading out. She deeply inhaled the fresh air, because her house smelt as rotten as the dump, despite her cleaning it.

Naomi shook her head to clear her thoughts and began her trek.

The walk wasn't more than five minutes, and when she entered the grocery store, she began her mission in an instant. She grabbed anything she deemed as necessary, from small crackers to nib on, or packs of pancakes for her breakfasts.

In the end, Naomi wandered over to the fruits and veggies section. She reached for a pack of yellow and ripe bananas but as she lightly pulled them towards her, they were yanked away from her.

She quickly pulled her hand back in shock but once doing so frowned. It was clear that a person from the other side of the aisle had roughly snatched the pack first in a manner of competition.

However, Naomi shrugged it off and meekly reached for the next pack. Meanwhile, she hadn't noticed, but the person who'd snatched the bananas from the other side of the aisle peered at her through the empty gap in which the pack of bananas that they'd snatched once was.

As Naomi grabbed a different pack, she alarmingly realized that said pair of grey eyes were curiously watching her.

A gasp emitted from her mouth as she jumped up in shock. The person too jumped, surprised by her sudden reaction, but they were quick to apologize for disturbing her.

"Sorry," the person said. "You can have them if you want,"

It didn't take a genius to realize that the person was talking about the bananas. Naomi politely rejected, "Oh no, that's quite alright."

The person, who, judging by his masculine voice, was a male, let out a slight hum of acknowledgement before walking away. Naomi shrugged but without further ado left the aisle. But suddenly, Naomi reached the end of the aisle, and when she turned left, she came to face Sirius Black.

She let out a sharp intake of breath. "Sirius?"

The person who Naomi claimed to be Sirius was busy scrutinizing a paper that was evidently a grocery shopping list, a pack of bananas in his hand. At hearing the name, he looked up, and grey eyes met blue.

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