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Over the past three weeks, Malia has been weirder than usual. And Liam, who is a walking dead when it doesn't concern his girlfriend, best friend or food, noticed it.
"Hey Malia. Have you been wearing a new perfume lately?" Liam asked.
"No. Why?" Malia replied.
"No reason. You just smell different." Liam said.
"Now that you mention it..." Hayden sniffed in
Malia's direction.
"Stop it. I'm gone. If anybody needs I'll be in Math taking a five minute siesta before class." Malia stood up.
"Weight looks good on you, girl." Lydia said reading a magazine. A middle finger was all she had the energy to offer before leaving.
"Well look who's back."
Scott said. Tinge of sarcasm.
"What?" Lydia looked up.
"Queen Bitch Lydia Martin.
I knew you couldn't hide it for long." Scott scoffed.
"What are you even talking about?" Lydia asked looking from her magazine.
"You reverted back to Lydia three years ago. Just cold. Detached. Bitchy." Scott said.
"Oh no." Liam said, rubbing his neck. Looking at Hayden.
"No. Just honest. Don't you think she put on a couple extra pounds?" Lydia asked.
"Okay...Yes but why would you say that to her? She's more sensitive than she looks." Scott defended.
"She seemed fine to me." Lydia scoffed.
"You know what? You're the smartest girl in school. Popular. Pretty. And usual you got the guy. No matter who it hurt in the progress.
What you're doing to Malia now...That's just kicking her while she's down. You're being mean for sport and I don't like it." Scott said firmly.
"I was just having fun."
Lydia laughed.
"Well it's not. I mean it. Back off my girlfriend." Scott stood.
"Or what? You're gonna kick me out of the pack?" Lydia asked mockingly.
"In a heartbeat." That was the end of it. Scott just dropped a bomb and walked away
like a boss.
To his Queen. Who was sleeping sound. Arms splayed across the desk. Snoring like a boar with a head cold.
"Malia." Scott laughed brushing her hair back.
"What? What happened? We under attack?" Malia asked flying out of her slumber.
"No. We're okay. But class starts in two minutes and I didn't want the bell to scare you." Scott wiped the drool from the side of her mouth.
"Really? That's so sweet.
I would kiss you but I'm all drooly and__" Scott kissed her. "Oh..."
"I love you." Scott said warmly.
"Love you more."
Malia stretched.
One by one other students started filing in so they had to cut their cuteness short.
Scott took her home after school, only to return hours later to drop off some food he cooked. I repeat: Cooked!
He heard grunting and frustrated groans coming from her room, so naturally he thought something was wrong and raced up.
Only to find her hopping up and down in her panties.
"Scott. Hi." Malia said hopping on the bed.
"Hi. What are you doing?" Scott laughed.
"Trying to get these damn pants on!" Malia groaned.
"Why? Just where something else." Scott suggested.
"Never!" Malia yelled.
"It's just a pair of pants." Scott sat at the edge of the bed.
"It's not the pants. It's the principal! I am a Hale by blood. I will not let material best me!" Malia said as she continued to maneuver into her pants.
"Honey...It's not happening.
Just wear a skirt." Scott said.
"That's quitter talk. Now come help me." Malia said.
"Your food is getting cold."
Scott said.
Her ears perked up.
"Food? What food?"
Malia asked. Scott laughed and helped her to her feet and out of her pants.
"I cooked. Come on."
Scott said and lead her out the door. Down to the kitchen where a large bowl awaited her. "All of this is yours."
"All of it? Aren't you hungry?" Malia asked.
"I'm good, sweetie." Scott said.
"Thank you. Yay...What the hell is this?" Malia asked as she opened the bowl.
"Brown rice, garlic broccoli and roast chicken."
Scott answered.
"No wonder you didn't want any." Malia muttered.
Poking the food.
"It's really good. Just try it." Scott encouraged.
"Fine...Since you went through all this trouble I'll take a bite. One bite."
She ate the whole bowl.
"That was awesome." Malia sighed contented.
"Told you. If you're not to full for dessert, I can take you out." Scott said.
"Ok. Grab my pants." Malia said tiredly. She some how managed to stay awake until Scott returned. "Sweatpants, dude?" Malia asked.
"Do you wanna look cute or do you want something that fits?" Scott asked holding them up. Malia pouted but took them. Once she was no longer half naked, she grabbed the keys and left.
They talked about anything and everything on the way to the ice cream shop.
Scott fussing over her.
It was sweet.
Malia had double Belgium chocolate and Scott had pecan crunch. They ate it on a
park bench. Besides the scenery, Scott could hear her thinking.
"What is it?" Scott asked.
"I'm not fat, right?" Malia asked unsure.
"Of course not. Lydia was being a bitch." Scott said.
"Right answer." Malia said cutely. Kissing him.
"Yay." Scott said. Making her laugh. "You're so cute."
"I know." Malia said softly.
"But you're okay, right?"
Scott asked looking worried.
"Mm-hmm...Yeah. I'm good.
I just... something feels off." Malia licked her ice cream.
"Off how? Are you sick?"
Scott asked.
"Not really sick. Just...Different." Malia said.
Out of nowhere a bullet hit Malia. Right above the stomach. Malia groaned.
"Malia? Malia. Are you okay? Talk to me." Scott said frantically. Putting pressure on her bleeding wound.
"I'm trying to be a soldier and all that but__" A bevy of swear words ensued.
"Wow. Hang on to me." Scott wrapped her arms around him and picked her up.
"You're not gonna take it out?!" Malia asked.
"No time. We're going to Deaton." Scott said as he ran with her. Thankfully a good Samaritan drove by in his SUV. Offering assistance.
Normally Scott would be wary of a stranger suddenly appearing ex-machina style.
He was trusting not stupid.
But his girlfriend was bleeding out fast and didn't have the car. So...
"Yes. Thank you. Come on Malia." Scott said holding her closer. The gentleman came out and grabbed the door.
Whilst in the backseat Scott put pressure on her wound. Talking to keep her awake.
Calling Deaton from the car.
Soon enough they pulled up at  the animal clinic.
"Here. This is the stop." Scott said, looking down at Malia.
"But this is a__"
"I know but...trust me. I know a guy. Pull over." Scott said.
"Well...Alright. Best of luck to you both." The kindly man said as he stopped. Unlocking the automatic locks.
Deaton waiting right by the door. Ready to receive Malia.
"Thank you so much! You just saved a life." Scott said. With a smile and a nod, the stranger was gone and Malia was getting a bullet removed.
"Good. You're back. Hold her." Deaton ordered.
"Hey. Honey, look at me." Scott said gently as his eyes glowed red. Calming her.
He took her pain again.
After all that flailing and growling, the bullet was out.
She started healing.
"How are you feeling?"
Scott asked.
"Like I've been shot.
Thanks for taking care of me." Malia said tiredly.
"It's my job. Thanks, Deaton.
Hey. Can I have the bullet you extracted?" Scott asked.
"Odd request but okay." Deaton raised an eyebrow.
"I want to know where it came from. And a blood test to see if there's any long lasting damage." Scott said.
"I love it when you say smart things." Malia smiled warmly.
"Whoa. Lay back down. You're still recovering." Scott said worried.
"Scott, you're my boyfriend. Not my mom. I'll live.
Only problem is this feeling I have like something moving in my belly. Shut up." Malia warned easing herself off the metal slab.
"Something is clearly wrong. Deaton please hurry with that test." Scott said urgently.
Liam burst through the door.
"Is she okay? Tell me she's fine!" Liam demanded.
"I'm fine." Malia laughed.
"Malia!" Liam hugged her.
"This is weird." Malia said.
"Sorry. I was just worried.
How's my, little nephew?" Liam cooed. Rubbing her belly. Scott slapped his wrist.
"Liam. What the hell are you doing?" Malia asked.
"Touching the...Baby. Sorry. Are you one of those people who don't like having their belly rubbed?" Liam asked.
"Start making sense or I'm gonna hurt you. What, baby?"
Malia asked. Mildly annoyed.
"The one in your belly.
I can smell it. And there's an extra heartbeat." Liam explained. Scott laughed.
"Just take me back to Malia's house so you can go home and get some rest." Scott said.
"But she's__" Malia stopped him.
"You're cute. I gained a little weight but I'm not  pregnant.
It's past your bed time anyway." At that point, Liam gave up trying and took them home. The older kids chalking it up to youthful imagination and leaving it at that.
Then the result from the blood test came back two days later.
"She is fine, Scott. No lasting effects. And Liam was right. She is pregnant."
Deaton smiled.
"That's... no. No. She's not..." Scott paused.
"I'm not. There's..."
Malia paused as well.
"Nah!" They denied together.
"You're welcomed to get a proper test done but I'm telling you what I see." Deaton said. Scott stared at it thoughtfully for a minute.
Then Malia shot up.
"What's the rush?" Scott asked looking to her.
"To talk to Peter." Malia said.
"Gross. Why?" Scott asked.
"Because Derek isn't here." With that,
Malia was out the door.
Scott followed.
"I'll come with you."
Scott offered.
"No. This is humiliating enough as it is. Get back to work. I'll call." Malia said.
"Do you need the keys or..." Scott got his answer when she went coyote and took off.
Ignoring the screams of panic, Malia ran to Peter's apartment. Changing back once the coast was clear.
Peter opened the door. Waiting with a robe in hand.
"How'd you know it was me?" Malia asked as her dad ushered her inside.
"Are there any other wild coyotes making their through an apartment buildings? So...What troubles my pretty daughter today?" Peter asked.
"Since you clearly know I need something, I'll get straight to the point; Do pregnant women give off a scent?" Malia asked.
"From what I remember. Yeah. Why..." Peter sniffed the air around Malia. "I am going to destroy, Scott. He got you pregnant?! My precious angel! Defiled!" Peter pulled his daughter against
his chest.
"Get off me. I'm not pregnant.
At least I don't think so.
Do I smell pregnant?" Malia asked nervously. He nodded.
"I could be wrong." Peter said.
"Heartbeat. Any extra heartbeat?" Malia asked frantically. Peter took a moment to listen.
"Mine, yours and unless someone broke into my apartment, that extra heartbeat is from that baby.
You're pregnant." Peter said.
"That's not helpful!" Malia groaned and grabbed Peter's phone. Dialing Scott.
"What do you want, Peter.
Did something happen?" Scott asked, annoyed.
"Scott. It's Malia. I'm fine but...We need to get a pregnancy test."
Cringe worthy words for both of them.

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