Scott McCall...You are the father

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Getting shot three days ago lead to a disturbing discovery.
Malia was pregnant.
Not believing the blood test or taking Liam at his word, Malia decided to ask Peter.
Who after threatening to skin Scott in graphic detail, confirmed that she was pregnant.
Naturally, she called Scott for a talk right after.
They met at his house.
Displaying two of every pregnancy test known to man on his bed.
14 pregnancy tests later, reality set in.
"Well...That settles it. You are pregnant." Scott sighed. Looking down at the test in his hand.
"Yep." Malia responded.
For five minutes neither of them said anything.
Then the silence broke.
"So...Can we panic now?" Scott asked calmly.
"Seems appropriate."
Malia replied.
"Good." 3...2...1
"Holy shit, you're pregnant!
How the hell?!"
Scott demanded.
"What do you mean how!? We know how it happened." Malia said annoyed.
"You said you were on the pill so unless you lied..."
Scott accused.
"I was, dummy. Didn't work." Malia sighed.
"Clearly. How can you not notice? It's your body."
Scott said.
"Well pardon me if I don't know what pregnancy feels like." Malia said sarcastically.
"Lack of a period and morning sickness should have been a dead give away."
Scott said. The water works started. "I'm sorry. Don't cry."
"I'm scared, Scott. I don't wanna be pregnant! I'm gonna be all fat and hormonal. I'm gonna lose all my powers when I have the baby...The baby. What if I hate my own child and try to kill it like the desert wolf tried to do? I don't want to kill my baby. I'm stressed out and I don't need you yelling at me!"
Malia's voice broke.
I'm sorry, baby. I'm in shock. I'm not mad at you. I didn't mean to yell. You would be a great mom. You're nothing like your mother. You're sweet and affectionate and if we keep the baby, I'm positive you won't eat it. So please calm down. Stop crying." Scott held her close. Rocking her in his arms. "Feel better?"
"Moderately. But what about our parents? What are we going to do about them?"
Malia asked looking up at him.
"There's no other way. We have to tell them." Scott said.
"That should be fun."
Scott chuckled and they talked more about future plans regarding their child, friends and family as Scott cleaned up the life altering tests that littered his floor.

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