Three Wolves, Two Grandpas and A Baby

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Gone all of four hours and Malia called nine times already. The tenth time, Scott answered.
"Malia. Guess who."
Scott said.
"Oliver Queen." Malia joked.
"Ooh. Close. It's your husband." Malia said.
"Randy Orton?" Malia joked.
"I'm glad you find this so hilarious. You left." Scott said.
"I told you I was going to. Tell me you're with the baby." Malia sighed.
"I am. She's fine. Woke up a couple times though." Scott said softly. "Peter's sleeping. Your dad went home and Liam is out doing recon."
"By himself? Okay tell him he can go home when he's done.
Did anybody feed her? Change her? And you have to pay attention to her because she's little but she our kid so she can and will find a way to get herself hurt and in trouble. And give her her little__" Hayden and Melissa stopped her.
"Malia!" They groaned.
"I gotta go. They're yelling at me. Bye. Oh! Tell Peter to go home too." Malia said. "Bye. Love you." Malia sent kisses through the phone and
hung up.
Malia managed to sleep through the night with out obsessively calling home.
Waking up a 9:00 and feeling amazing. Never felt more relaxed. Taking in the view.
While they took turns showering before going out for breakfast, Malia still took the opportunity to call Scott.
"You really can't help yourself, can you?"
Melissa laughed.
"I have to. Something might be wrong." Malia said softly.
The phone rang. And rang.
And rang. "Why aren't they answering?" Malia asked.
"Because they're probably in bed. Honey you need to breathe. If something was wrong they'd call."
Melissa said.
"You're right. I'm being crazy aren't I?" Malia asked.
"It's your first time being away from your baby. You're suffering withdrawl. Trust me. You're normal." Melissa said rubbing her back.
"You sure? Because I feel like I'm obsessing." Malia said.
"A little but it's natural. Kylie is in good hands. Just relax."
Melissa assured. Malia took a breath and let it go.


"Make that kid stop crying.
Please!?" Peter plead.
"Well what do you think I've been trying to do?" Scott asked sarcastically.
"Did you feed her, change her, give her that wolf-bear thing?" Peter asked tiredly.
"Yes! I tried everything!"
Scott shouted making her cry more. "Fantastic."
"How can something so small be this damn loud?" Peter asked, rubbing his temple.
"Please stop crying, Ky."
Scott plead. Peter heard Scott's phone buzzing on the table.
"Hello." Peter answered.
"What the hell took you so long? I've been calling for hours." Malia said as she walked to the coffee shop.
"The phone was on vibrate so wouldn't wake Kylie who would not stop crying."
Peter said annoyed.
"Is she hungry, dirty, cold, hot lonely? Why is my child crying Peter?" Malia asked.
"I don't know, Malia! She just keeps crying and I don't know how to stop it." Peter said.
"Put me on speaker."
Malia said. Peter listened.
"Malia. I don't know what's wrong." Scott said sadly.
"Kylie. Why are you crying, bubba? You're a Hale and we don't cry." Malia said gently.
"Shit. She stopped crying." Scott said awed.
"Language, Scott."
Malia warned.
"Sorry. But how did you do that?" Scott asked. "Aw. She's reaching for the phone. It's cutest thing ever."
"Aww. Peter, video tape it." Malia said cutely.
"I'll get right on that." Peter said sarcastically.
"Don't be rude. Where's Liam? He's good with her." Malia said.
"Excuse me! I gave her life." Scott said offended.
"Yes but you've only seen her three times at most since you left for college. Sweetie she barely knows you."
Malia said.
"And that makes Liam any better?" Scott asked annoyed.
"Stop getting upset you're going to make her cry again! You're being a girl." Malia said. Peter took Kylie to her crib upstairs. Liam entered.
"How am I being a girl?!" Scott demanded.
"Because you're being jealous and insecure over nothing!
All I said was that Liam is good with her." Malia said.
"Why are you two fighting?"
Liam asked concerned.
"Stay out of this!" Scott yelled.
"Okay. Hi, Malia. Enjoying the trip?" Liam asked.
"I was." Malia said.
"Don't talk to my wife."
Scott ordered.
"This is taking the Alpha role too damn far! You don't own me. If Liam wants to talk to me, he can. He's my friend.
He's your Beta. And he's Kylie's godfather. Get over it." Malia said.
"Where's the baby?"
Liam asked gently.
"She's none of your concern." Scott said. Liam rolled his eyes and went upstairs.
"You're actually jealous right now. Okay. Wow."
Malia laughed.
"I'm not jealous. I just think Liam should know his place. I'm that girl's father and I'm your husband. He's just not." Scott said sadly.
"Then where have been the last 11 months?" Malia asked.
"That's not fair. I was always there for you and Kylie."
Scott said sadly.
"Not always. Anything else I need to know, I'll call Peter or Liam. Goodbye, Scott." Malia sighed and ended the call.


"You two finished fighting?" Melissa asked.
"Yeah...Sorry. I guess I'm not much fun." Malia said.
"You're a young wife and mother apart from her baby for the first time in months.
I wasn't expecting much fun. I just wanted you to relax." Melissa said.
"I'm trying." Malia said.
"You two are okay, right? Because you fight a lot." Hayden said.
"We're fine. He's being a crazy person and the little tolerance I had goes to the little girl I spent nine months making." Malia said making them laugh. She was finally able to have a meal in peace and just relax.


"Am I an asshole?" Scott asked Liam and his fathers-in-law.

"Pretty much." Liam.
"I hardly know you." Henry.
"I always thought so." Peter.
"Thanks, guys. Really." Scott said sarcastically.
"Absolutely." Liam.
"No problem." Henry.
"Glad to help." Peter.
"It's just...I can feel her slipping away and it makes me crazy. Like she doesn't love like she used to."
Scott said sadly.
"That's kinda your fault."
Liam said. Everyone looked at him. "What?"
"As much as it causes me physical pain say this, the boy has a point. It really is kinda your fault. It started when she was still pregnant and you ignored her for the last three months." Peter said.
"I wasn't trying to... I was under a lot of pressure and I don't know how I'm supposed to be a good husband and protect her..." Scott sighed.
"Your words are wasted on me. Tell her that." Peter said.
Scott really hated it when Peter was right.

The rest of the weekend was wonderful. The boys got the hang of things. And Malia found the right balance between relaxation and checking in. They were at peace for a few hours.
Then Sunday night at 11:00 PM it went downhill.
Liam and Peter were out fighting Windegoes and Malia's dad had gone home for the night.
Scott was alone with the baby.
Asleep. Sound asleep next to her. Didn't hear the footsteps coming up the stairs. Or his daughter cooing.
"Hello, little one. You're a pretty little thing. I almost feel bad about killing you.
Almost." Araya Calavera said. A silencer pointed at a defenseless baby. Who could do nothing but move and glow her golden eyes.
"Do it and I slit your throat." Peter said from behind her.
"Slit my throat, I pull the trigger." Araya said smugly.
"Touch her and I end you." Scott warned. Alpha eyes blazing red and fangs out.
"Very clever. You weren't actually sleeping." Araya said.
"Very observant. It's been two months. Why go after her now?" Scott asked.
"I was waiting for her to be separated from her mother.
Get you two out of the way." Araya said. "I can easily kill the both of you and that monstrosity and escape."
She said.
"Now Scott?" Peter asked.
"You wouldn't do that. We have a cease fire. I don't kill any innocents, you don't hunt me and my pack." Scott said.
"I made no deal with you.
I made that deal with Christoph." Araya said.
"I am a cold hearted, violent sociopath but this is beyond me. Why would you want to hurt her. Does she look like a threat to anyone?" Peter asked sarcastically.
"Not now but she won't stay like that forever. She'll grow into a killing machine.
It can't exist!" Araya yelled.
"Okay...How about this? Wait thirteen years. Thirteen years to prove that she can control her abilities without endangering humanity.
If Kylie gets out of control then...I'll give up my Alpha status and...take care of her myself." Scott swallowed hard. Peter gave him a look.
"That's dark. Even for me.
Kill two birds with one stone? I can get behind it. You have a deal. Thirteen years. I'll be waiting. Watching." Araya said darkly. Peter begrudgingly backed off and let her leave. Once she was gone, Scott picked Kylie up and Peter yelled at Scott.
"What the hell was that? She was ours! I could have killed her and saved us a lot of headache but instead you put an expirary date on your own child? What the hell is wrong with you?" Peter demanded.
"Relax. I have a plan." Scott said calmly as he bounced her. Scott waited an hour later for Malia to come hone.

"Yo. What'd I miss?" Malia asked as she entered with her bags. "Where's my baby?"
"Sleeping. We...need to talk."
That is how it started.
And the beginning of a thirteen year game of Russian roulette.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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