Happy Wife, Happy Life

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Malia finally got Kylie down for a little afternoon siesta.
Quietly sneaking downstairs.
Peter sitting on the couch. Waiting. With a smug grin.
"Hi, daughter." Peter said.
"Shh. I finally got her to sleep.
And hi dad." Malia said.
"Dad? Not Peter? You are tired. I'm kinda glad I missed this part." Peter said.
"You're not funny." Malia said and sat down for the first time in hours. "Hello, sweet soft couch."
"So where is the man who gave you this child?"
Peter asked. Malia just shut her eyes because glaring took too much effort.
"If you mean my husband he's in class. He'll come over when he's done." Malia said tiredly.
"You know I refuse to call him that. In any case it isn't right that he gets to go to college and make new friends and you're burdened at home with the child he gave you.
He should be helping.
It's important for a father to spend time with daughter." Peter said passionately.
"Is this about__"
Baby cries."Of course. Coming!" Malia rolled off the couch and ran upstairs.
"It's okay. Go back to sleep. I'll take her." Peter offered. Following her up.
"She's my kid. I'll get her.
Hey, princess. Why's my little girl crying?" Malia asked as she picked her up.
"Hello, pretty girl. Remember me?" Peter asked. Kylie gave a bright smile. "You do."
"You hungry, Ky? Let's go get you a bottle in the kitchen."
Malia said and gingerly trotted downstairs with baby in tow. Peter following again.
"Let me take her off your hands while you make the bottle. Malia smiled tiredly.
"Thank you. Here. Hold her head properly." Malia said.
"I know. I may not have been a father to you but I two nieces and a nephew. I got it."
Peter laughed. "Look at you. Two months old already."
"Peter...I don't blame you.
I'm sure you would have taken care of me if you had the chance." Malia said.
"I would...And Scott should be here. Spending time with his baby." Peter said.
"Can you refrain from your disgust of her dad? Kylie's going to feel it and I don't want her to hate him."
Malia said.
"Do you want her to know him?" Peter asked sarcastically.
"I told him he could go.
One of us needs a proper which means an education.
Scott wants to be a vet, which means he needs amazing grades to even get to vet school. Sacrifices need to be made." Malia said. All the while making the bottle.
"While he's off seeking higher education, you're lonely. How can he be a good...person you're married to and a good father if he's fourteen hundred miles away?" Peter asked.  Malia refused to believe that Peter was making sense and could be right.
"Can you feed her? I've been holding up this pee for the past hour" Malia's way of ending the conversation.
While feeding her, they heard the door opened.
"Oh McCall family!" Liam called. Peter breathed a sigh of relief and came out.
"Is that Liam?" Malia asked from upstairs.
"Yes. And Hayden." Peter answered. Glaring at the both  of them as he burped the baby. "You are lucky she wasn't sleeping."
"Sorry. Hello, Kylie." Liam said and kissed her cheek.
"Baby in hand!" Peter said annoyed. Malia came down.
"Whoa! Oh sweetie..." Hayden said upon seeing her appearance. Disheveled hair, bags under her eyes. In a cotton robe, Scott's T-shirt and boxers and complete with bedroom slippers.
"I've been busy."
Malia smiled.  "I don't look that bad, do I?" Malia asked.
"Yeah. You do." Hayden said.
"When I'm not taking care of Kylie, I sleep because I'm exhausted from taking care of Kylie. Not much primping time." Malia laughed.
"I have a great idea!" Hayden said excitedly. Liam sighed.
"Ignoring you. Anyway, I say we take a girls weekend.
Me, you, Melissa. Lydia too if you want. Just us. The boys can watch Kylie for three days. This way you come back rested and looking good." Hayden said happily.
Malia looked at her boys.
"Is it a good idea to leave four guys alone for three days? With a baby? My baby?" Malia asked.
"They'll manage and you can always call." Hayden said.
"This weekend?" Malia asked.
"This weekend." Hayden said.
"Okay. I'll talk to Melissa."
Malia said.
"And Lydia?" Malia asked.
"Why would I invite someone who doesn't like me and took my ex from me. On a fun, relaxing trip for three days?" Malia asked.
"Because you can clear the air. And you'll be teaching your daughter an important lesson on forgiveness." Hayden said.
"You should consider a career in P.R. Fine I will think about it." Malia said and that was the end of that.
Malia got a Skype call from Scott the following night.
"Hiiii. How are my girls?" Scott asked. Malia took her out of the crib to see him.
"Say hi to daddy, Kylie." Malia said warmly. After gushing over his daughter for five minutes Scott finally asked about his wife.
"So what are you up to?"
Scott asked.
"Just packing." Malia said.
"You planning on leaving me?" Scott half joked.
"Only for the weekend.
The girls are having a spa weekend in Vegas and I'm going with them." Malia said.
"No. You're not. Who's going to take care of the baby?" Scott asked.
"You, Liam and my dads." Malia said casually. Laying Kylie in her crib.
"I have classes. And I am not leaving my child with those idiots." Scott dictated.
"Our child, and I trust them so I'm fine with it." Malia said.
"I'm not. What if she gets hurt?" Scott asked.
"Three werewolves can protect her. I can't!" Malia's voice broke.
"Malia...I'm sorry. I keep forgetting. But you just..." Scott sighed.
"Look, I'm not going to fight with you about it. So I'll just go. Bye." Malia said tiredly before ending the call.
Going to their bedroom where Scott called her cellphone.
"Yes?" Malia asked.
"I hate when you're mad at me. I don't want to say good night like this." Scott said.
"I'm not mad. I'm just done with this conversation.
Especially since I'm going." Malia said. Curling up in bed.
"Malia I know you want to go but you can't. You're a mother now. You can't just run away for three days with the girls." Scott explained.
"And you're the dad. There are no weekend classes. I know because I checked.
Meaning you can more than pop in for three days to see your daughter. And you just lied. Want me to keep going?" Malia asked sarcastically.
"That's good enough. Why are you being like this? Unreasonable." Scott asked.
"Wait... I'm being unreasonable? So not letting me go to Nevada for three days. Leaving our daughter in the hands of the man that raised me, a fiercely overprotective grandfather, the kid you bit that has loved her since I was pregnant and you the man who gave her life...That's not unreasonable? Yeah, okay." Malia scoffed.
"I don't want to get into this with you!" Scott groaned.
"Too late and you made me wake up the baby so thank you." Click. Malia rolled out of bed to tend to her child.
Letting the phone ring.
Turning it off once her daughter was settled.
Friday rolled around and Malia was packed and ready to go. Leaving the boys with final instructions.
"And she isn't sleeping through the night yet, so she'll get up a lot. If she starts missing me just take one of my shirts from the laundry and put it over your shoulder if your holding her and in the crib if you're putting her down for a nap. Also__" Melissa stopped her.
"Malia. They'll be fine. They better be." Melissa glared.
"Okay. Caio, bella. Mommy's going to take a little trip to keep her sanity, okay? But I'll miss you. And I'll call and you'll have lots of fun with grandpas and uncle Liam.
Bye bye, love." Malia said and smothered her with kisses.
"We'll take good care of her.
Go have fun." Peter said.
"You better or I'll kill you all.
Bye now." Malia said warmly.
Liam and Henry slightly terrified and Peter was proud.
"Bye, sweetie. Have fun." Peter said. Malia gave all of them a hug (Even Peter) before leaving out the door.
Scott called Liam that night, trying to get her.
"Liam. Where's Malia? I've been trying to call her all day but she's not answering. Is she alright?" Scott asked.
"Yeah. She and the girls got to Vegas in one piece."
Liam whispered.
"Vegas?! What do you mean she went to Vegas? And why are you whispering?"
Scott asked.
"Because I don't want to wake the baby or lose my head if I do." Liam said softly.
"She left the baby? With you?" Scott asked annoyed.
"Yeah. Didn't she tell you?" Liam asked.
"She did but...Forget it. I'm coming over." Scott ended the call and grabbed a jacket.
Leaving a post-it on his roommate's chest.

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