The Proposal

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After being grounded by his girlfriend and mother for  wanting to kill Chris, Scott overhead a conversation between Malia and his mom as she walked her out.
"When you're his wife, don't go soft on him." That's what Melissa said. The prospect was delightful enough to get his gears turning.
"I know that look. What is it?" Stiles asked knowing his friend all too well.
"I'm gonna need you to help me with one more thing." Scott said almost deviously.
A week passed and Scott still held firm to his secret plans.
"Hello, munchkin. It's your uncle Liam. I can't wait to meet you." Liam baby talked. Rubbing Malia's belly.
"Stop bring a freak."
Malia said. Hayden pulled him away.
"Leave the girl alone." Hayden sighed. Liam pouted.
"Malia. I'm having a party.
I want you to come."
Scott said.
"I don't know how much fun I'll be, man. I'm the size of a freaking whale, I have to pee every ten minutes and I can't take two steps without gasping for air."
Malia said tiredly.
"So you'll be there?"
Scott asked.
"You're not taking no for an answer, huh? Fine. I'll put on my finest maternity frock." Malia said sarcastically.
"Wonderful. Pick you up at 8:00." Scott kissed her cheek.
Scott, Liam and Mason shared a knowing look. And that was the end of that.
Until 8:00 pm. When Scott picked her up promptly at eight. Entering her father's house. Not bothering to knock. Being greeted with a shotgun to the face.
"Whoa! It's me Mr Tate."
Scott exclaimed.
"Leave him alone, dad.
You're on time." Malia said.
"You're gorgeous." Scott said.
"I'm a fat, hot mess but I appreciate the compliment.
Later dad. Don't wait up." Malia joked and was out the door. Scott feeling Henry's glare burning his back
as they left.
"He's never going to like me is he?" Scott asked opening the back door of the jeep.
"Probably not." Malia said honestly as she entered.
They talked all the way to Scott's house. About the future and how ready she was to get the kid out and everything in between.
Then they arrived.
Malia tried to have a good time for Scott, when all she wanted to was find a quiet corner and sleep.
Instead she just ate and talked to the puppy pack.
Questioning Lydia's purpose.
Stiles was there too. Lydia was all over him like Axe Body Spray.
Malia wasn't too bothered.
She had her boyfriend and Liam who was obsessed with her baby. Scott's dad was there too. And Melissa. And Peter...If she wasn't so relaxed, she'd be paranoid.
Then at ten, Peter grabbed a mike and made an announcement.
"Malia...The men in your life have a special performance for you. You are the only person I would humiliate myself for...Just putting it out there." That being said, Peter tossed the mic to Scott.
Peter and Liam to the left. Agent McCall and Stiles to the right. Scott in the center.
With a signal from Scott, the Deejay(Mason) started the music. Malia almost died when she saw her dad and friends dancing to  Never Gonna Give You Up.
The shock continued when Scott started singing.
"🎵We're no strangers to looove. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm... Thinking of. You wouldn't get this from any other guy. IIII just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you...understand🎵"
By the final note, Scott sashyed over to her and took her hand. Dropping to one knee. For once in her life Malia was speechless.
"What...what the hell is this?" Malia asked shaken.
"Exactly what it looks like."
Scott pulled the ring from his pocket. "My grandfather gave this to me before he died. And demanded that I don't waste it on someone I'm not sure about. I'm sure about you.
If we're going to have a family I want to do it right.
I want to walk your cute pregnant self down the isle.
And if  you say no...I will ask you everyday and every year for the rest of your natural born life until you say yes." Malia was blushing. Overwhelmed. ""
"Yes, you fool! Put that freaking rock on my pudgy finger." Malia demanded happily. Scott was all to happy to comply. Getting what he wanted. There was a huge round of applause and cheers. Even the baby kicked in celebration. Malia spent the rest of the night threatening her friends  and making fun of Peter.

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