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Scott buttoned his dress shirt as he stared down his captive.
"Feel like cooperating today?" Scott asked casually as he threw on his West coat.
"Bite me." He spat bitterly.
"I could you know. Bite you. Get it over with. But that'd be what you want wouldn't it?
I would continue to torture you for info but I have a wedding to get to. I won't be far. Just outside my house.
Where all the people who hate you will be waiting." Scott said casually.
"You can't stop this! There will be more." He laughed.
"Fun Fact, Marc...I have a friend I met last summer.
Oliver Queen. The best guy. Has a bit of a dark streak.
Anyway, he taught me 50 ways of getting someone to talk. Breaking them. A lot of them are bloody and violent. I'm going to go with the one less likely to get my shirt bloody. Repetition." Scott pressed a button on the CD player he had. That's when Ariana Grande's Problem started playing.
"Enjoy. Oh and do try not to escape. Bye bye now." Scott said and sauntered up the stairs. The girls got ready in Melissa's bedroom.
"Malia. You look so pretty." Hayden said as
Melissa finished.
"I do? Cause I'm not sure. I don't have much experience in make beyond powder and lip gloss. What about the dress look good on me? Do I look fat?" Malia asked nervously. Lydia laughed.
"Why are you here again?" Hayden asked.
"Because Kira's with the skinwalkers, Melissa is the Maid of honor and I don't have much girlfriends. Unless you want to put Derek in a dress." Malia said dryly.
"That would be the funniest thing ever." Cora laughed.
"I only agreed to this because Stiles begged me." Lydia said.
"I never did like you. You were always such a hater." Cora said as civil as she could manage. Lydia moved closer.
"Ladies! Please. It's a happy event. Let's not get catty." Melissa said.
They all boiled down.
"So Mrs McCall...what are you supposed to do? Once you're married? Other than cook and clean and junk." Malia asked. Uncharacteristically shy for her.
"Not much difference. Just that any decisions you make as a team. But you don't let him steamroll you. Sometimes it's better to agree to disagree in some case. And the most important thing... You're the boss. That's it. That's all I got. Now let's go get you hitched." Melissa said.
"Okay. But the dress? It's okay?" Malia asked.
"It's perfect." Melissa said. That's when they made their departure downstairs.
The groom's men escorted the ladies to their seats. Henry and Peter happily walking their daughter down the isle.
Where her future husband awaited her. Stunned.
"You look amazing." Scott whispered in her ear.
"Good." Malia sighed.
The pastor gave inspiring words before getting down to the real thing.
They exchanged vows. Exchanged rings and signed the papers.
"By the power invested in me by the state of California I now pronounce you man and wife." The pastor announced.
The newlyweds walked down the isle/tarmac to the tune of
L.O.V.E by Frank Sinatra.
At that point the reception moved to Stiles' house.
Where there was food and drinks and presents and Derek dancing with Malia
Malia dancing with Liam.
Liam dancing with Hayden.
Peter hitting on Melissa.
And of course Scott and Malia's first dance.
It was a fun time.
After it was over Scott helped his mom clean up and took his wife home to their loft.
"Come on. I wanna carry you over the threshold." Scott said sliding open the doors.
"No. I don't want to hurt you." Malia said smiling.
"You can hurt me anytime." Scott joked. Picking her up and stepping inside.
"See? I'm fine. Wife." Scott added. Placing her gently on the couch.
"Well, I'm glad, husband." Malia said warmly.
"I can't believe we're married now. What do we do now?" Malia asked.
"Consumate it." Scott said half jokingly. Kissing her.
"Charming. But seriously I think we she should wait until we figure out who's trying to kill me. Until after the baby's born." Malia said.
"I agree. I will always wait for you." Scott started kissing her but stopped.
"Why?" Malia asked annoyed.
"Crap. I forgot our hostage down in my basement!" Scott shouted in realization.
"He can wait until tomorrow morning. It's your wedding night. Enjoy it." Malia said.
"The lady gets what she wants. Let's go up to our bed shall we?" Scott suggested.
"I agree." Malia said and wormed her way off the couch.
"Will you just let me help you?" Scott asked in vain.
"I can do it. I'm pregnant.
Not an invalid." Malia finally got to her feet. Breathless.
"You okay?" Scott asked rubbing her back.
"Yeah. Just give me a minute.
Okay, let's go." Malia said.
"You're impossible."
Scott laughed.
"Cute impossible?" Malia asked as they walked.
"Yes. Cute impossible." Scott hugged her. When they got to the upstairs, the plan was to changed into pajamas, brush their teeth and talk.
Malia got into one of Scott's
T-shirts, brushed her teeth and fell asleep while talking.
Scott shook his head and crawled in bed with his wife.
Leaving their hostage to suffer til morning in a locked sound proof basement at his mother's house.

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