When Superwoman Flies

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They say Superwoman flies with a cape,
She's as strong as Precious Diamond and as fierce as Greatest Ape.

She plants her Hands on her Hips, and her points her Chin way up high,
Blowing Ice from her Mouth and Laser from her Eye.

She's Heroic, and Brave, and as Authoritative as they come,
She never lets Trouble into her Earthly home that has become.

And her people, they retaliate, in defense on their pride,
But, in honesty, they're better with her in their stride.

She's their backbone, their defender, their role-model, their voice of reason,
And without her, their Earth, their home, would be only desecration.

For she's a mother, in a home, with three children in her life,
And a husband who'll love her through every single strife.

And to them, she's a Super Woman, with an apron for her cape,
As strong-willed as any lawyer, as fierce as the greatest ape.

She plants her hands upon her hips, and points her chin way up high,
And vows to have us learn before our leave of home becomes too nigh.

She's heroic, and brave, as authoritative as they come,
And never lets Trouble in to hurt her dearest home.

And her children, they retaliate, as all children might.
But honestly, without her, they'd be as lost as without light.

For she's their backbone, their defender, their role-model, their voice of reason,
And without her, the house is bound to fall to desecration.

For she's a Mother, in our home, and the "Super-est" of them all,
For she's our Superwoman, who flies so we may not fall.

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