Adopted By Fall Out Boy

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Hi guys. I just wanted to write this story because I love FOB and I love reading the adopted by Fob fanfiction so I wanted to make one! I am going to use myself as the main character, and I'm only 13 so I'm not going to have any romantic interests with the guys whatsoever. Only brotherly/fatherly love. Thanks, and I hope you like it!(also I would like to add that none of this story is true. My father is still alive, and I don't live in a foster home!)

It has been 5 years since I came to the foster home. I was 8 years old. My parents split up when I was really young, but they still got along for my sake. One day, my dad was driving me home to my mom's house, and a car side-swiped us. He hit the drivers'side so I only had a few minor injuries. My dad, on the other hand, had it much worse. His skull had been bashed in, and his neck had also been snapped.

I was put in the foster home in 2009. I am thirteen now. The foster home is quite small, so there aren't many kids in it. I have my own room, which is nice. It is a small square, about 10x10, with purple walls and a full-sized bed with blue, green, and purple bed covers. I have a medium-sized desk in the corner and a small TV on top of a white shelf, and a white storage- thing next to my bed with a purple desk lamp on top. My walls were covered in pictures I drew and some song lyrics on pieces of paper. My favorite bands are Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. They're really all I listen to.

I heard the beep of the PA system go off and I listened. Mrs. Ross (the woman who worked the foster home) said in a shrill, happy voice. "All girls ages 12 to 16 please come to the hall in front of the adoption office.". This meant that someone was going to get adopted.

I wanted to dress slightly better. Luckily, I had straightened my dirty-blonde hair. I put on a bit of eyeliner and a bit of mascara. The eyeliner made my ice blue eyes pop. I put on a grey Panic! At The Disco t-shirt and a pair of pre-ripped jeans, which didn't fit my 5'10" and chubby form quite right. I also threw on a pair of black Converse high tops, and a grey zip-up hoodie with white trim. I put on my glasses, which were thick-framed, "nerd" glasses that were black and faded down to translucent gray at the bottoms.

I walked downstairs and when I got there, as always, I was the youngest. There were only about 7 of us there. Mrs. Ross said "The people adopting today are all men. If you are uncomfortable with this, you may leave now." For girls left. There were three of us still standing. The order went from oldest to youngest, so I went last.

I walked in when it was my turn, and I had my head down, so I didn't see the men's faces when I first walked in. I lifted my head up and moved my bangs out of the way of my eyes. Nothing could have prepared me for who I saw sitting on the other side of the desk

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