Chapter 3

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I sat outside the door of the office that I talked to the band in. Along with the other girls. I was the closest to the door, as I was the last person to have been interviewed. I heard unintelligible voices from inside the door. I assumed they were talking with Mrs. Ross to see who was the best fit for them.

I was pretty sure I wouldn't be picked. I mean, how many people would like to adopt a girl who can't eat fast food, when they're a band of all guys. Who travel constantly. Then again, they said the Patrick, too, was dieting, and Andy is vegan. So, I might actually have a chance.

The door opened and all of us leaned forward to hear what Mrs. Ross was about to say. She took a breath, and said, "Chelsea, pack up your things. You are going home with the band." My jaw dropped and I got hugs from all the girls and I went up to my room to pack my things. I'm sure I'm not gonna miss this place whatsoever.

I put my straighteners and makeup in a backpack, my clothes in a duffel bag, and right when I was in the middle of packing up small decorations and pictures off of my wall, Pete showed up at the door, "Hey." he said. I didn't realize he was there so this made me scream and jump two feet in the air. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." he laughed. "No, it's okay. I'm just really jumpy." I replied. "The it should be fun living with you." He said with a devious smile on his face. Okay, now I'm slightly worried.

I finished packing and we all walked down the stairs, and outside to the parking lot. We jumped in the SUV that I guessed was Pete's, because he was driving.

I sat in silence for a few minutes before a thought crossed my mind. "hey, whose last name am I going to take?" Patrick's face lit up and said "You will be taking my last name. So, you are my daughter!" I smiled and said "Which one of your last names am I taking? Stump or Stumph?" He replied with, "Well, since Stump is my professional name and not my legal name, you are taking the name Stumph. I apologize, it's a horrible last name." I smiled and said, "No, no, I think it's a great last name. Chelsea Stumph. I like it!" He smiled at me and it was quiet again

. They said it would be a while until we get to the house, so I pulled out my phone and started playing fall out bird. I hate this game, but it's so addicting that I just couldn't stop playing it. Andy and Joe laughed when the screen came up to the game.

We pulled up in the driveway of a very large, beautiful house. It wasn't big enough to be a mansion, but it wasn't small enough to be a regular house either. I grabbed my bags out of the back, and Andy was first to ask if I needed help. I shook my head, but he ignored me and took one of my bags. I sighed and let it go. We walked in and Pete said, "Here, follow me. I'll show you where your room is." I followed him up the stairs to a room at the end of the hall. There were five bedrooms down this hall, which I assumed were their bedrooms.

I opened the door to my room, and the walls were a light blue, and I had the same duvet cover as at the foster home. I took mine with me. I had a white shelf with a small flat screen on top and a white and blue ceiling fan on the ceiling. "Like it?" Pete asked. "Love it." I said. He smiled and let me unpack all of my things.

When I was done, I went downstairs and all of the guys were arguing over a game hey were playing on the tv. It looked like Mario Kart. When I came down, the arguing immediately stopped, and they all paused the game. I just laughed and sat down next to Andy on the couch.

Let's just say with 5 people on a couch, it was really crowded. We were all squished together, and there was no room whatsoever. I was almost completely on Andy's lap.

It was mid-day so Joe asked is everyone was hungry. We all said yes, and we got up to see what we had in the kitchen. I was kind of thirsty, so I asked, "Hey, do you guys have any pop?" Patrick looked over at me and said," What did you just call it?" "I said pop." He smiled and said, "I really like you, you're from around home." I smiled and nodded and he handed me a can of diet Pepsi.

We sat down at the table and just decided to make sandwiches, as no one wanted to cook. I would try, but I would probably burn the place down. I can't cook at all. Once we were done, Patrick said he was going to take me to the mall so I could get some more clothes. I tried to argue that I had enough, but he wouldn't listen. I guess we're going to the mall.


Hey! I decided im going to do some writing before I go out today. This was a decently long chapter. Most of my chapters will be. I usually start typing then cant stop so most of my updates are really long. I hope you're liking the story so Far!!


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