Chapter 11

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I was sitting in the corner of my bedroom with my knees curled up to my chest. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as Pete, Andy, and Joe were yelling at me. "WHY DID PATRICK EVER HAVE TO ADOPT YOU?!" Pete screamed. "YOU'RE A DISGRACE!" Joe yelled.

Just then Patrick ran in the door to see what all the commotion was about, He saw the enraged looks on the guys' faces, and me curled up in the corner crying. He immediately ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me, as I started shaking.

"DON'T YOU SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO HER?!" he shouted at them. They all started arguing while Patrick was still hugging me. I'm the cause of everyone screaming and yelling. Maybe I am just a disgrace."




I was woken up by Patrick yelling my name and shaking me. My cheeks were wet from crying, and I was shaking, Everything was a dream. I let out a sigh of relief. It sounded like he did too,

"Oh my god, Chels, you scared me half to death." He said and came over and sat next to me and started hugging me. I gently hugged him back with one arm, wiping my tears away with the other. "What was happening? Did you have a bad dream?" I nodded, still being afraid of getting shouted at.

"What happened in the dream? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He told me in a soft voice. "No, it's fine, I'll tell you. I was in my room, and Pete, Joe, and Andy were all yelling at me. Then you came in and started yelling at them and started standing up for me. You were doing the same thing you are now."

He was nodding throughout the whole explanation, and once I was finished said, "Well, know that none of that would happen, and if it did, I would do exactly the same thing." I gave him a warm half smile and put my head on his chest. He just started running his fingers through my hair. It was around 1 in the morning so I fell back asleep.

Fast forward a few days.

I haven't had any nightmares since the one the ther night on the couch. Patrick told he other guys about it over breakast and they all agree that that would never happen in a mllion years and they all love me. That made me feel really happy.

Today we were going to travel to Ohio so we could go to the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. We all agreed we wanted to go there, so we decided to take a trip to it. Plus, the guys just got inducted with their clothes from the Youngblood Chronicles videos.

It was a long car ride. We had to drive from Springfield to Cleveland. It wouldn't be a long car ride if these guys would shut up for a few minutes. But no, they all want to scream about nothing.

We finally pull up to the building, It was a huge building that looked like a black glass pyramid. We were parked on a platform where we got to took over the lake, that I believed to be lake Erie.

We walked up to the building, and the lady in the door told us to stand in front of the back drop that they had set up and strike a few poses. First we did the "rock on" thing with our hands. Next we all did the most ridiculous pose we could think to. The woman laughed and then told us to get our pictures on the way out.

We started walking around and we saw things like Michael Jackson's glove, the Beatles' signed albums, and a bunch of other Rock and Roll memorabilia Did I get the spelling right?

We walked up a few flights of stairs and we finally saw the Fall Out Boy exhibit. It had shoes from all the guys and the bloody straight jacket that Joe wore. We all took pictures of it, when we heard a squeal.

"Holy SMOKES! It's FALL OUT BOY!" A blonde girl, looking to be about 16, screamed. The guys all had looks on their face like "Oh, great." and I'm sure I did too. She turns to me and says "Hey, can you take a picture of us?" I nod and take the camera while Patrick gives me an apologetic look,

I snap the picture and she still continues to freak out, and it's really annoying. She blabbers about how big of a fan she is when I hear her say, "This girl seems to be with you guys. She's way too young for any of you to be dating. Who is she?" slight disgust in her tone.

Patrick steps forward and gives her a dirty look. "She just so happens to be my daughter. Her name is Chelsea. Call her anything except it, and I won't s[eak to you again, alright?" She nods, shocked that those words came out of Patrick, Come to think of it, I'm surprsed those words came out of Patrick,

We were done at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and we wanted to go get our pictures from the lady at the front. We got them, and there was a nromal picture of us for both poses and then a concert ticket with a picture of us on it for both poses. They were really nice and I love them.

"I'm STARVING! Where do you guys wanna eat?" Pete asked. "Hard Rock Café is close to here, wana get lunch/ dinner there?" We all agree and get on our way. When we get there, we all order our food and just decide to talk.

"So, Chels, how did you like the trip?" Joe asked me. "It was awesome! Except for the one girl we ran into, thet was bad. I feel bad for you, you get that every where.:" He nods. and replies "I'm glad you had a good time! And yeah, that does happen a lot." he says in an irritated voice.

"I really didn't like how she was treating Chelsea. She was [retending she wasn't even there." Andy inputs. "I agree." said Pate and Patrick. "Ah, whatever. I'm not a major superstar like you guys are. Not a lot of people know about me yet. I should get used to it." They all disagreed with me, and I decided not to argue.

We just ate in silence, and afterwards we headed home, this time me falling asleep on Andy's shoulder instead of Patrick. When we got back home, i was shaken awake. We were about to walk into the house when I got an idea. "Wait! I have an idea. We should get a bunch of blankets and lay out in the back yard before we go to sleep!" The all shouted "Yeah!!!" and that's what we did. Today was a perfect day. Almost as perfect as getting adopted.

A/N Hallo :3 yay Chelsea actually updated for once! Haha sorry! I've been busy lately. I help my aunt out most of the time, and she's very sick with cancer. :( Either that or I hang out with my boyfriend :) Bye guys, I'll do maybe a chapter or two tomorrow!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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