Chapter 10

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(1K reads guys thanks so much!!!! :D) Sorry I haven't been able to update! I've been really busy!

When my boyfriend arrived, I ran out to go see him. I gave him a giant hug and realized I never told him who adopted me. Here goes nothing.

"Hey, Steven?" I started. "Yeah, Chachi?(yes, he actually calls me this, and I hate it.)" "I forgot to tell you who adopted me. Erm, you're going to be a bit shocked." I replied. "Well, who is it?" I tok a deep breath. "It's kinda, sorta-" I got cut off as all the guys ran out of the house with water guns, trying to be threatening.

Steven's eyes got wide as he realized who it was, and as he realized what they were doing. "Hands, off the girl." said Pete as he gestured to his hand around my waist. He quickly removed his hand from my waist and put his arms in the air. Patrick slowly came forward, his gun aimed at Steven.

The gun was nearly touching Steven's nose when I said, "Hey, i'll be right back, Im gonna go grab my phone out of the house." I ran inside the house and grabbed two waterguns from the closet, and went to the sink to fill them up. Once they were filled, I snuck out of the house to give Steven his gun. This is about to get intense.

I ran out, trying to hide the guns behind my back. I slid the other one to him, and aimed straight at Pete and fired. He gave me a look that said 'you're going down' (No pun intended). Water started flying every where. Steven and I were on one team, Joe and Andy on another, and Pete and Patrick on the other.

After a few hours and adding water balloons to the mix, we were all completely soaked from head to toe. Patrick raised his hand as a surrender and we all went in to get into dry clothes. Crap. Steven doesnt have extra clothes. It was the end of the day anyway, so he called his sister to come pick him up. Today was a great day! I'm surprised the guys didn't ambush him with questions.

We were all hungry after the intense water battle. We couldn't decide on what to have for dinner. Andy wanted to get takeout from a vegan restaurant, Joe wanted pizza, Patrick didnt give a crap, and Pete wanted to get McDonalds. I was on Patrick's side. I really didn't care either way.

After 20 minutes of debating, we decided to just go to McDonalds. It was the easiest thing, and everyone could get something there. Except Andy and I. I stayed home with him so we could make something for the both of us. He's vegan, and I can't eat McDonalds or I'll die of a stomach ache.

Both him and I just decided to make a salad. We ate before the other guys got home, and decided to go play video games in the basement. He tolde me to pick a game while he set up the system. I looked through the huge box of games that they had. I saw they had Fast and Furious, and immediately took it out of the case and handed to him to pop in the system.

After 10 rounds of Fast and Furious, it was tied. I won 5 races, Andy won 5 races. We were during our tie-breaker game when all the guys came downstairs. Andy and I were yelling at the screen, and I guess we were loud enough for them to hear. Patrick, Pete, and Joe were all rooting for me.In the end, I won the final race. Guess who gets 20 bucks. HAHA ME SCREW YOU ANDY I LOVE YOU THOUGH.

Afterwards we all went upstairs and Pete, Andy, and Joe went into their rooms. I was in the living room sitting next to Patrick. Nothing good was on tv, but we were still hopelessly flipping through the channels. I noticed Doctor Who on BBC America and told him to turn to that channel. "You like Doctor Who?" He asked me, sounding surprised. "Of course! It's my favorite TV show next to Sherlock!" He smiled and replied with "Really? I love both of the shows too!" That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep on Patrick's shoulder.

Woo hoo I finally updated! Sorry guys, I've been really busy, but thanks so much for 1k reads! I never thought I would get this many! Hopefully i'll update later on today too! Bye guys!


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