Chapter 4

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We pulled up to the mall, and parked somewhat far away. We had quite a walk, but I was okay with it. I could use some exercise anyway.

We walked in and Patrick asked, "What kind of clothes do you like, darlin'? I thought for a second and came up with, "I like vintage clothing, but could we also stop at Hot Topic?" I asked. He nodded and we kept walking,

Pete, Joe, and Andy all went to Game Stop to see if there were any good games or movies that we could use to keep ourselves entertained.

I got a couple different shirts in Hot Topic, then we walked into some vintage store that I didn't know the name of, and I got some shirts and a pair of jeans there. We looked into a store called Torrid, which was from the same owners as Hot Topic, but it was a plus-sized women's store.

I got a couple pairs of jeans there, and we met up with the other guys in the food court. We got some food and sat down and talked. Another question came into my mind. "Hey, um, do you want me to call you Patrick or dad?" He looked like he was thinking for a minute before he said, "Patrick is fine, but you can call me dad if you want." I nodded and said, "I'll stick with Patrick."

We finished our food and we decided to go back home. On the way back home, Pete said that they got a few movies at Game Stop, and suggested that we have a 'Family Movie Night.'. The idea appealed to al of us, so that's what we did when we go home. We were about to start a movie, when I said that I was going to make popcorn, and grab a few other things. They all were pleased with the idea, so I got up and walked into the kitchen.

I made popcorn on the stove, and I grabbed bags of candy for the guys. Joe offered me some of his licorice, but I said," I would love some, but I can't eat it." and he looked sympathetic for me. I smiled and we went back to watching the movie.

A few hours later, we were all super tired, so we all went in our rooms and went to bed. I can tell I'm going to love living here.


Are you guys enjoying the story so far? Oh wait, yeah, that's right, no one reads this. :/ I'm talking to myself.

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