Chapter 5

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I woke up at about 5 a.m. the next morning. I always wake up really early, so I sat around on my phone for a bit, and then decided to read a book for a bit. I read a few chapters, and then I went and checked my twitter.

I looked and saw that I had a few mentions. "@PatrickStump: Loving living with my amazing new daughter @thatcrazygirlchels" "@petewentz: Cool girl, and also Patrick's daughter. Gotta love her!@thatcrazygirlchels" "@trohman: Movie night with the guys and the new girl! @thatcrazygirlchels" "@hurleyxvx: Having fun watching movies with @thatcrazygirlchels! Love ya!" I smiled and I went to change my name on my profile from my last name to Stumph.

I looked at the clock, and saw that it was eight o'clock. I decided to make breakfast for everyone. The only thing I know how to make is eggs and toast, so I went with that. I cooked about 10 eggs in a pan, and placed them on plates with ten pieces of toast. I looked in the freezer and saw that we had microwave sausages, so I made those. I put them on the plates as well, and set the table.

Patrick was the first to come downstairs. "Morning!" I said, giving him a warm smile. "Morning?" he said confused. "You didn't have to make all this." He said. "I felt like it because I wanted to say thanks for adopting me, and also I wake up early and I was bored." I replied. He realized he was going to lose the argument and sat down in front of one of the plates.

I sat down next to him and started eating. The guys all started coming down one by one. After breakfast, they all said thanks, and went to sit in the living room. I picked up all of the dishes and put the in the sink. Someone would do them eventually.

I sat down on the floor with my legs crossed, not wanting to be squished on the couch. They all gave me weird looks and Joe said, "You don't have to sit on the floor, you can sit with us." I smiled and said," No, thanks! It's pretty crowded, and the floor is comfy." He put his hands up in defeat. I gave him a small smile and returned my attention to the tv.

We were watching TMZ, and a story about the guys came on. The story was about Patrick adopting me. They had a couple not-so-nice things to say. Patrick saw my sad expression and changed the channel and said, "It's TMZ, don't believe anything they say. Bunch of lying jerks is what they are." I perked up slightly and nodded.

I decided to walk upstairs to my room, as the news didn't interest me. I switched on my small laptop and checked my Facebook, I had so many posts from people at the foster home. Some were genuinely nice, but most were things around the line of "You shouldn't have been adopted" or "Who would want you" or "It should have been me, not you."

A tear started to run down my cheek as I closed the computer. I sat on my bed and started thinking. It's true. Someone else should have been adopted. I shouldn't have been chosen to come here. Who would want me as a kid? I heard a knock on my door and I just grumbled 'Go away', but you couldn't tell. Pete walked in anyway, and saw me crying. He immediately ran over to me. "what's wrong, suiteheart?"he asked. "Nothing." I replied. " Well, it's obviously something enough to make you cry." he said.

I just pointed to my computer and said "People at the foster home. It's fine." He walked over to the computer and opened it. He started scrolling through all of the posts on my page. He looked furious. He looked over at me and said, "You shouldn't have to deal with this. You're too sweet of a girl." His eyes started tearing up.

I got off my bed and walked over to him and enveloped him in a hug. He hugged me back and we stood there for a few seconds. "Never believe anything they say, alright?" I wiped the tears from my cheeks and nodded. I decided to stay up here until I looked like I hadn't been crying.

Once my face wasn't blotchy, I walked downstairs to see the guys talking about something. They all looked over at me, and Patrick said, "Hey,Chels? Come over here for a second." He patted his lap, gesturing for me to it on his knee. I sat on the floor because I didn't want to hurt him. They all looked at me and Patrick said, "Pete told us about you crying in your bedroom, and all the things that were said. I just want you to know, that this makes me feel even better about adopting you. I am so glad I got you out of that place, especially when people treat you like crap." I just nodded and said, "I'm fine... Not anything I'm not used to. But thanks again for adopting me." He just nodded and it went silent.

I walked back up to my room and went on my phone for a while. I want back on Facebook and started deleting all of the people from the foster home. I just wanted to leave that part of my life all behind.

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