Chapter 6

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Last night after I deleted everyone from my facebook, I went to bed. I had some weird dreams. All of the names that people have called me were flashing before me. It was really weird. I woke up crying at around midnight, and again at 3, but I shook it off.

I went downstairs at about 7 and sat and watched TV. Patrick came down around 8, and came and sat down next to me on the couch. I cuddled into him, my head resting on his, and his arm around my shoulder. He was always the second awake. I was the first. Then came Pete, Andy, then Joe.

I was wondering whether or not to tell him about my dream. I decided I should, and decided to bring it up. "So, how did you sleep?" I asked him. He nodded and said, "Pretty good. How about you?" Here goes nothing. "Um, not so good."

He looked at me confused and asked, "Why not?" "I had some weird dreams. All the things people has said to me were flashing through my mind. I woke up crying twice. I don't know where it came from. I used to have those dreams a few years ago, but I haven't had one in a long time." I replied. He gave me a sad look and said, "I told you, don't believe what they say. We picked you because you are beautiful, amazingly talented, and one of the sweetest girls I've ever met." I smiled and said, "Thanks, that means a lot coming from you. Even if you are my dad now."

I laughed and put my head back down on his. "I just want you to know, I love you. You are already like a daughter to me, even though you've only been here a few days. I think you're like a daughter to all of us." I smiled and said, "Awww, and you guys are all like dads to me! I love you too, Patrick."

I gave him a hug and stood up and walked into the kitchen. I heard Patrick follow me, so I turned around and said, "Are you hungry too?" He nodded and I looked for pancake mix. I found the box and took it down and he smiled at me.

"Here, let me help you. I don't want you to burn yourself" I let him take the pan while I made the pancake batter. Once there were no chunks, I handed him the bowl. He started pouring the mix onto the pan one by one. Once there was a small stack of pancakes, we split them up on two plates and sat down at the table. I didn't put anything on mine, so started tearing pieces off of mine and eating them.

Patrick looked at me weird, and I just shrugged and kept eating my pancakes. Once I was done, I grabbed my phone from upstairs and came downstairs. I looked through my phone and locked it. Both Patrick and I went and sat on the couch, with me cuddled up next to him. This was a bit weird as I was so much taller than him.

I looked at my phone again and looked at the date. It was August 21st. I could not believe I forgot my own birthday. I face-palmed and said, "God, I can't believe I'm such an idiot!" Patrick looked at me weird and I said, "I forgot my own birthday!!" and he asked, "How do you forget your birthday? Today is August 21st, so if that helps." I laughed and said, "No, I mean, I forgot TODAY was my birthday!" He gave me a funny look and his eyes got wide.

"We're going to do something for your birthday today!" I tried to object, but I was sure I was going to lose. He was rambling on how he was sorry he didn't get me anything, and then we bickered back and forth over telling him he didn't need to get me anything. Today should be interesting.

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