Chapter 8

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People finally started arriving for the party. Panic! showed up first, as you could probably guess. They showed up about an hour early so they could meet me and talk to the guys.

When they all walked in, Brendon came running over to me and screamed "CHELSEA" before almost knocking me over with a hug. "God, ever heard that girls are smaller than guys?" I told him jokingly. "Well, last time I did that to a fan she fell over. So you're actually pretty strong." I smiled triumphantly and we all went and sat down on the couch.

All nine of us talked for a while, and other people started showing up too. The guys from My Chemical Romance showed up next. Gerard and Mikey were arguing about something. No one knew, because as soon as they realized we were looking at them, they stopped.

We said hello and they all came over to hug me. Everyone else started arriving slowly, the same thing happening every time. When everyone was here and they had all met me and said happy birthday, we went to the backyard. It was a big backyard, so yeah, all of us fit.

I put my phone on the speakers that the guys had back there and started playing whatever playlist Andy stole my phone to make. The songs on it were a surprise to me. Of course, he picked a lot of rock music and alternative because, well, you know.

Everyone was dancing and singing together on the pavement, and it was almost like our own mini mosh pit, just less hectic. It was perfect. We made food on the grill, which was tough as there were so many people.

After we all ate it was time for me to open presents. I hated opening presents. It was too much attention on me. I opened all of them and hugged everyone and said thanks. Then everyone ate cake while I went inside. I couldn't have cake, so they felt bad. I told them to grow up and get over it.

After cake, everyone said goodbye and left. It was about 9 o'clock, so I wasn't really tired. I asked the if we could sit down and watch a movie. We watched Warm Bodies, and after that I ended up going to sleep. This has been a perfect day.

[A/N] Sorry it's taken me so long to update!! I did a slightly longer chapter this time. Ill update more later, as I have nothing to do. I would have updated last night, but I was over my boyfriends house for a while then I came home and fell asleep. Soo ill see you in the next few chapters!!! Baiiii

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