Chapter 2

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Sitting in front of me were the men who I listened to every day. The men who helped me through all of the problems I had when I was at the foster home. The men who I believe saved my life in one form or another. Right in front of me, sat at a desk, were Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman, Pete Wentz, and Andy Hurley. I wanted to be professional and not freak out, so I smiled at them all and sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the desk. Mrs. Ross said, "This is Chelsea. I will leave you lot alone so you can ask questions and what not." She quietly left, and I was alone with the band. Patrick was the first to speak up. "Hello, Chelsea. I'm Patrick, the one next to me is Pete, the one next to him is Joe, and the one next to him is Andy."

"Yes, I know. You guys are my favorite band."

"Oh, really? I can see you like Panic! too huh?" Joe said.

"Yeah, you and them are really all I listen to."

"Okay, so I'm going to ask a few questions if that's okay with you." Patrick told me.

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine with me" I said while smiling,

"Well, music is out of the way, so I guess 'What are your hobbies' is next on the list."

"Well, I don't really have a lot. I eat, I sleep, and I sing. That's really it."

"I wanna hear you sing!" Pete chimed in.

"Pete, don't make her uncomfortable. She's the only girl who hasn't freaked out on us yet." Joe argued.

"No, no. It's okay! I would love to sing for you guys."

"Okay then, let's hear you."

I started to sing a song that I have been listening to since I was 5.

' I'm so tired of being here

suppressed by all my childish fear

and if you have to leave

I wish that you would just leave

cause your presence still lingers here

and it wont leave me alone

these wounds won't seem to heal

this pain is just too real

there's just to much the time cannot erase

when you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

when you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

and I held your hand through all of these years

but you'd still have

All of me"

They were all looking at me with shocked expressions when Andy started to clap.

"YOU WERE GREAT" They all shouted in unison.

I blushed, and we went on with he questions.

"Is there anything that you have health wise that we need to be worried about?"

I thought for a second, and replied with

"I have a thing called Insulin Resistance, which is kind of like diabetes, but its not. I don't have to prick my finger, but I do have to be on this mega diet where I can't eat a lot of sugar or anything fatty."

They all nodded

"Well, Andy's vegan and Patrick is dieting, too, so that could be pretty easy. Okay, we're all done here. Go outside and wait while we make a decision, please?"

I nodded my head and walked out the door, and waited.


So I finally decided to update. I really need to update more, I've just been too busy to do it. If you like the story so far please vote for it, and I should have a couple more chapters up today and tomorrow. Also, yes, I actually do have insulin resistance! It sucks, but oh well. So, will I be adopted?? Find out later on The Youngblood Chronicles aka We're Going To Wait Two Months To Upload New Videos! Bye guys!!!


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