11: Warning Signs & Other Things To Disregard

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Mikey had been more than a little shocked to see the guy he regularly took pleasure in picking on hanging around with his older brother. His language had consisted of nothing but profanities and words that he couldn't quite form together; he couldn't quite piece this together, but really, I don't blame him, because most of the time, neither can I. Gerard is an anomaly, but I think that's precisely what makes him Gerard.

Gerard had eventually grabbed Mikey by the arm and dragged him down the corridor, before I could even think of responding. I was rather relieved to have the more than a little judgemental and horribly opinionated, younger Way brother removed from the situation, but Gerard just leaving with no instructions or contact details - nothing. I knew nothing as to how I'd possibly manage to meet Gerard again; the former time had proved difficult enough, and I had very much decided upon setting in stone our default friendship. Friendship with the older Way brother was a questionable concept, but it was one I was more than excited to tackle; I think maybe I liked to win, or maybe there was something about Gerard that couldn't stop me from being completely drawn to the guy.

This nothingness however, had given me more than enough motivation to drag myself along to that stupid group thing for yet another hellish session, despite the fact I'd probably scared off Gerard more than enough to prevent him from ever setting foot in that building ever again. I mean that look he gave me when we first made eye contact in that room; it was just shocking really, different... He just looked so different, fuck, even scared? No, this was Gerard and the fact that he couldn't possibly be genuinely scared of anything, of anyone was set in stone.

But, I couldn't shake the feeling; it almost felt like there was something I didn't know here.

Fuck, had Mikey said something to Gerard? Had he pour lies in through those ears and into his brain, the clockwork ticking and turning until it finally ticked onto 'I hate Frank' mode - I wouldn't exactly blame him, though because, well, I'm rather easy to hate, and Mikey is a fiendish bastard; Mikey would be the one I'd blaming in this situation.

I really hoped he hadn't whispered any unfriendly words regarding me, because as sad as it may sound, I really wanted a friend for once, and I really wanted it to be Gerard.


It should have surprised me more when Mikey Way himself pinned me against the wall just as the remaining students flooded out of the art room at three o clock on a Friday. The guy had just been awfully more violent that I would have suspected; he was supposed to be the brains of The Killers, but really they were a bunch of foolish thugs, so the fact that Mikey should be any different simply because he shared the same last name as a certain Gerard who until recently I believed was a figment of my rather fucked up imagination.

I was rather glad to realise the fact that even I doubted, maybe even Miss Craw doubted, that my imagination could create some, just so Gerard as Gerard himself. Fuck, I can barely even describe the guy; he's just Gerard, and I just want him to be my friend.

"Dude!" I attempted to push him off of me, but he had his hand firmly pressed into my shoulder blades, and he was applying just enough pressure to make it hurt. Hauntingly, his eyes were the same as Gerard's; the same hazel tones complete with golden flecks glistening in the sunlight that filtered in horizontal lines through the half closed blinds. I didn't like reminding that someone like Mikey could share even a speck of DNA with someone I found myself intrigued with as much as Gerard. Fuck, I bet he even thought I was weird, like surely hadn't the guy made it pretty clear he didn't like me? I'm stupid.

"How do you know about Gerard?" The fact that we're getting to the point for once is rather intriguing, but quite how forceful he's being with this is, well, more than a little unnerving. On top of that, my shoulders were aching like shit and he didn't seem all that keen on releasing his clamp like grip on them.

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