33: When The Smoke Is In Your Eyes You Look So Alive

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Waking up was always a hell of a lot harder without Gerard. For one, there was no one to wriggle around like a fucking toddler and eventually throw me out of bed in the morning, or no one to kiss me everywhere he could get his hands on, or until my dick decided that it was very much awake, which seemed to be Gerard's speciality move, and perhaps just my favourite, because it was Gerard.

However it was only as soon as I'd pulled myself out of the blanketed prison that I glanced at my phone and came to realise just what day it was - October 31st, Halloween. This did however, hold a certainly much more, despite my love for Halloween, appealing meaning that was shared between Gerard and I.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my hands, leaving me to glance down at the brightened screen and unlock the thing to see I'd received a new text message from 'xoGee', the contact name being totally his fault, on top of being ridiculously and embarrassingly teenage girl esque, which was all in all, very Gerard.

Hey Frankie happy 18th sugar;)x

I rolled my eyes, suspecting that Gerard would have remembered today a little better than I had, because today wasn't just my birthday, today was my eighteenth birthday, meaning I was legal. Legal to have sex with my twenty two year old boyfriend, which I most certainly was looking forward to. Who wouldn't though?

Stop it oh my god x

I texted back, finally having the motivation to stand up from my bed and now continue to stare at my lacklustre appearance in the mirror for a good fifteen minutes as I failed to do anything about it. And that plan was going pretty well and everything until my phone vibrated at the scale of an earthquake on my nightstand, practically mimicking the effects of a heart attack.

Try telling me that tonight sugar;)x

Fucking hell, out of all people why did it have to be Gerard Way to be my boyfriend? I let out a sigh, knowing far too well that I'd never have it any other way and his constant annoyances and sexual remarks were just inconveniences that I'd have to get used to.


I let out a sigh, because despite my eventual accustomed stance towards his inconveniences, I still wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get pissy with him about it, especially early in the morning. I'd fight anyone once I'd just woken up.

Fraankieeee;) Come over soon party starts whenever - I'm just going to end up shooting Mikey within the next few minutes if you don't;)xo

I could have ignored him, or replied with a sarcastic comeback just to piss him off, but being the great friend I am, I decided it was probably best to not take the chance that Gerard was joking and come over in favour of Mikey's prolonged mortality.

There was of course that slight problem in the fact that I'd pretty much just gotten out of bed, leaving me to grab the closest pair of jeans that I could find, and deciding that it was probably best to chance out of faded and slightly decaying t-shirt I'd slept in - it smelt a little, after all.

With that I made some attempt to pull my hair in the right direction before I grabbed my phone and made my way out of the house, trying not to look at my father's passed out figure slouched in the armchair as I walked through the front room.

I couldn't think about him right now, and I wouldn't let myself, because this was my birthday, my fucking day that I was going to spend with my boyfriend and my friends and I was going to enjoy myself and quite possibly have sex with said boyfriend later on tonight. 

After all, I was eighteen now and no longer legally in his care, and I think that thought almost topped Gerard and I's late night plans, almost.

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