23: Love Is Just A Chemical Creation

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"So did you enjoy fucking my brother last night?" I stumbled into the Way's kitchen to be met by an awfully disgruntled and visually sleep deprived Mikey. I began to wish Gerard hadn't needed to go to the bathroom, leaving me to face his brother alone.

"We didn't, Mikey." He scoffed, leaning against the countertop as he downed a black coffee like a shot of vodka.

"Learn to lie, Iero." He rolled his eyes, clearly more than pissed off at me, causing me to lose all hope in ever rekindling our brief friendship - not that it had mattered to me awfully very much in the first place. Mikey Way was an asshole and by now I was more than clear upon that fact.

"We're not doing anything like that until I'm eighteen." I continued, wondering whether with this new piece of information Mikey would now be planning to assassinate me the night before I turned eighteen, which would be entirely disappointing considering the amount of teasing Gerard would have put me through by then. I would be entirely pissed off and when I came back as a ghost I would haunt both of their asses.

"And how did you get him to agree to that?" Mikey remained in utter disbelief despite the truth behind my words, because I suppose to survive in the Way household you really did have to be a natural born skeptic.

"It was his decision in the first place." I pushed my point further, much to Mikey's increased disbelief and certainty in the fact that I could be nothing but lying.

Mikey's eyebrows rose like a mechanism. "Oh so now he's playing nice guy - making me out like the villain here. Just wait, Frank, you'll only realise just what he's capable of when it's just too damn late."

"Mikey-" I protested, wondering whether I'd hear the end of the Way brothers' spite and jealous for one another.

"Don't even try and argue with me. He's planted bullshit and kisses - I can't compete with that."

"Mikey, just tell me what's your fucking problem. You sound like a jealous ex, okay?" He did, and I managed to keep a straight face despite the rather questionable and certainly humorous mental image that would never leave my mind.

"My fucking problem is the fact that you're my friend and you're letting my asshole of a brother manipulate you into hating me and... feeling however the fuck you feel about him!" Jealous ex - definitely.

"I don't hate you, Mikey. I'm just pissed off because the only conversation we have is you yelling at me about Gerard. I want to be friends." Okay maybe friendship with Mikey Way was a longshot, but at least we could aim for being civil to one another at times, because that would certainly make my life one hell of a lot easier.

"Friends don't lie to one another." Mikey persisted in being the stubborn asshole he was of course, and I was fighting the urge to fucking slap him or something.

"Yeah, because just coming out with the fact that I'd kissed your brother would have gone down perfectly fine, and it's not like that answer would have pissed you off at all in the slightest."

"At least you would have been honest with me. I would have known you trusted me." Yeah, the thing is I don't trust you at all and there's a good fucking reason for that.

"Why would I want to trust you when you blurt shit like that out in front of Mr Toro?"

"You fucking told me to." Well, maybe, but not quite not really. Let's just ignore every point he has here.

"I didn't mean it, Mikey." I let out an exasperated sigh, running a hand back through my hair and most likely messing it up further, but quite frankly, I couldn't quite the slightest of shits right now. I looked like shit already so surely I couldn't look that much worse, but of course I could.

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