18: Turn Your Back On Hope And Go Back Inside

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Breakfast at the Way's house was a whole different world to breakfast in my humble abode. For a start, there was actually edible food as opposed to whatever slice of slightly stale bread I could toast to a minimum about of burning. To put it lightly - I wasn't the best in the kitchen.

"Frankie..." Gerard's arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Since last night, he practically hadn't been able to keep himself off me. I didn't know what it was; we weren't even official, it was just odd, and mildly confusing, as everything else in my life seemed to make a particular habit of being.

"What?" I grumbled, trying and failing to detach myself from the red haired dork. He was a red haired dork, and a particularly annoying one at that, but I wouldn't trade him for anyone, ever. He held a stupid place in my heart that was stupid special, leaving him far too important for my own good.

"Make me a coffee - I made you one earlier so it's only fair." He insisted, mumbling his words into my neck with puffs of hot breath against the early morning chilled air that surrounded us. His house wasn't quite the best on the heating front, but it certainly made up for that by coming with a free Gerard.

"Have you just lost all your energy in the space of the last twenty minutes?" I asked as my eyebrows rose almost in awe as to how this guy had gone from grumbling at me for being lazy, to being pretty much the world's biggest slob.

"Pretty much, yeah." I rolled my eyes; what I was going to do with Gerard Way, I hadn't the slightest of clues. My imagination did love to run wild though, but of course, the thoughts that lurked those corners of my mind were entirely out of the question.

"No, not a chance, Gee." I grinned, far too happy to see him pissed off by my constant rejection of his laziness. Being a lazy little shit was his own fault though, so therefore I couldn't even force myself into feeling guilty about rejecting his constant ploys to get me to be his personal slave, let alone follow through with them - that simply wasn't going to happen.

"Mmm... Frankie, I do like your smile." He mumbled, his words coming out as nothing more than yet another desperate ploy fired directly from the treacherous lips of Gerard Way himself.

"You can sweet talk me all you like, but I'm still not making you coffee." I protested, my words stern because there was no way he was talking me into this with just a snap of his fingers. He's cute, but no quite so cute for me to be convinced to follow through with his every action and demand.

"Sweet talking, huh?" He raised his eyebrows, in a typically sarcastic Gerard Way fashion. Sarcasm and general asshole behaviour seemed to be the rather obvious strong point of both Way brothers. "Flirting now are we, Frankie?"

"Shut up-" I attempted to wriggle out of his grasp, but like the stubborn little bastard he was, he kept me close to his chest like I was the heart inside his ribcage.

He just knew how I worked and I had found myself growing to hate that like hell, because although Gerard held a special place in my heart, I just wasn't sure if the fact that he meant anything at all was even healthy in the slightest. Or were Mikey's words of fakery and precaution slowly getting to me? I couldn't tell anymore.

"I know you want to flirt with me." He insisted, running his fingers throw my hair like it was his own. He was right, but there wasn't a chance that I was going to let him be right, especially when his brother, who hated the both of us, could walk in at any moment and fuck both of our lives up with just one misplaced glance.

"Gee, that's where you're wrong." I think I did love teasing him far too much - it was just putting aside the fact that this guy was twenty two.

His age, despite the fact that the two of us had already covered the subject and in far too much detail for my liking, was still making my head spin like crazy, because the simple fact that he was five years older than me was simply over complicated by the fact that I loved him.

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