24: I Could Be Your Perfect Disaster

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When Gerard dragged me into the kitchen, I barely had chance to catch sight of the small blonde woman in front of me before she was scrutinising me from behind thick black rimmed glasses, which she wore half way down the bridge of her nose; conveniently positioned for the casual skeptical glance over them, making her out as someone I should be nervous around, but of course when the words fell from her lips in a chirpy high pitched tone, which would have been extremely irritating if I hadn't found it as such a relief that she'd be screaming at us immediately.

"Who's this, honey?" Gerard blushed under her tone, leaving me to realise as to why as her hazel eyes scanned over her glasses and down to where Gerard was still tightly clutching my hand. She didn't appear all that intimidating at a second glance, but who knows, she just could be the real life rendition of Professor Umbridge.

"This is Frank, my boyfriend." Gerard introduced me, which was something I was rather thankful for due to the fact that my throat was clogged up with nerves and I began to wonder if I could even speak at all, because it had just dawned upon me that this was Gerard's mother, and this would be her first impression of me, and I was just left to pray that somehow this would end up by some miracle turning out okay.

"Nice to meet you, Frank." She pulled her lips up into a smile that looked genuine, catching me by surprise that despite Gerard's rants revolving her, Mrs Way, actually seemed alright. Well, I guess first (well, second kind of) impressions didn't count for everything, and I could be horribly mistaken.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Way." I finally managed to stammer out, blushing a little and clutching on to Gerard to the point it was most likely painstakingly obvious, which of course made me look horrifically pathetic, which was not at all the look I was going for, but it did seem to be the look I was stuck with.

"Please call me Donna, dear. Mrs Way makes me sound awfully old, and my husband isn't around anymore so I'm not technically married - let's not get into technicalities though, and Miss Way does make sound like a hooker." I attempted to ignore my shock in the fact that she'd used the word 'hooker', and eventually composed myself to the degree where I managed to return her smile, watching as Mikey onlooked with raised eyebrows.

"You boys have offered him food and drink, I assume." She glared first at Gerard, and then turned to direct her gaze towards her youngest son, burning straight into their souls with equally scrutiny.

"Yeah," Mikey let a smirk fall over his lips; one that didn't fail to make me sufficiently uncomfortable - even for a second. "He's had breakfast- you know, because he stayed overnight." I could kill Mikey Way, god fucking damn it. I knew that smirk was something not to be trusted.

Mrs W- Donna's eyes darted back to the two of us, as I badly attempted to hide my blush in my fringe. "Sleep well, did you, boys?" She pulled on a smirk before winking at the two of us, and as I stood there, jaw agape, I decided that Mrs Way was really the coolest mum I had ever encountered.

This did in no way affect how uncomfortable I was right now with the fact that Mrs Way was convinced her son and I had sex last night. To be honest, the fact that she was surprisingly okay with it, even made me suspicious to some extent, but I reckoned that was just my annoyingly paranoid tendencies.

"Mum!" Gerard moaned, raking his fiery red hair over his face before shooting a look that'd land him in a trial for attempted murder in Mikey's direction. Thankfully, the police weren't around to notice it.

"How about you ask how Mikey enjoyed his stay at Alicia's, huh?" Gerard was in no way hesitant in the matter of revenge towards his younger brother.

"Who's Alicia?" She whipped round to Mikey once again, giving me a brief interval in which to pass Gerard a nervous look, which he reassured me with a squeeze of my hand. A squeeze really wasn't the most reassuring, and this wasn't even the most reassuring of squeezes, but it would really have to do, I guessed.

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