Chapter 2-How to destroy a Tiger

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Miho nishizumi kept her eyes open for the 63 ton monster of the tank her sister maho drove.
"Yes yukari". The loader.
"The best way to take out their tiger is to get around it and to keep around them, putting shots into the weakest armor at the rear, then run like heck towards the stug"

 "Are you saying bumrush them, circle them, and put shots into them, and retreat"

 "I think so."

"I like it, thanks yukari."

"No problem miss nishizumi"

"Load the apcr  shells, Hana, how fast can you shoot."

 "As fast as yukari can load."

"Good, get ready, erwin, we are gonna try to get that tiger to you."

 "It should be a glorious battle, just like..."

"Okay then." Saori said cutting off the radio. "She's going into a big speech about a battle."

"And why wouldn't she, it's just like the battle for the baltics. The Germans drew the Russians..."

"Yukari I turned the radio off to avoid that." 

"Alright jeez, I'll tell you later then."

"Thank you, and yes I would love to hear it later." 

"Bingo." Mako said

"What." Responded miho.

"Tiger dead ahead."

"Enemy panzer iv spotted." The Panzer iv with a styliezed anglerfish on the turret pulled up over the hill, stopping the tiger in its tracks.  Maho took a deep breath. "Fire."

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