Chapter 16: The Birthday

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"Happy D-Day!" Yukari said as she entered the nishizumi house

"Never heard those words together in the same sentence." Maho said taking a sip of her coco. Saori let out a giggle. Miho smiled. She was finally back on her feet after a few days of bed rest. Hana was a little distant that day, but still managed to show up.

 "Well, for me it's also happy B-Day!" Yukari said, her voice raising a few octaves. 

"Happy birthday." They all said. Maho and saori slid out of the way to reveal a cake with made in the shape of yukari's favorite tank, the polish 7pt, with two turrets. Yukari's mouth hung open.

"Wow. How did you do that. I know that wasn't from the resturant." Yukari said "No, saori and maho spent all night on it." Miho said

"That's why I wish we had coffee." Maho said. They all laughed Mako started handing plates out.

"Yukari, got a knife." Mako asked. Yukari went into her backpack and pulled out a survival knife.

"Typical." Saori said. Making everyone laugh

"May I." Yukari said

"After we sing." Said Hana, maho the only one noticing the half hearted sincerity. Maho, who had cleverly placed candles in the gun turrets and where the lights would be, grabbed a lighter that yukari had handed her, and lit the candles. They all sang. Yukari had never had a party like that. Yukari blew out all the candles eventually.

 "Happy 17th." Maho said, giving her a pat on the back as she opened the ice cream.

 "Thanks." Yukari said, shaking maho's hand. Yukari then noticed maho looking at Hana, who, while she was having fun, looked to be troubled by something. They all settled into the living room. Maho started a playlist of world of tanks replays. They all watched and laughed at the ineptitude of the people playing.

"That has got to be the best chocolate cake in the world." Yukari said.

"Thank saori, she made it, I researched the tank we wanted it to look like." Maho said. 

"Thanks saori." She said, turning to the redhead.

"No problem, it wasn't that hard." She said. Miho leaned over to maho. 

"Thanks for doing this." She said

"It was the least I could do. God knows I caused enough stress around here." Maho responded.

"Don't talk like that, you simply did your job." Miho said.

"If you say so." Maho said, getting up to fill her coco again.

"Ok presents time." Saori said, pulling out a box wrapped in tank wrapping paper, as did the others.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything." Yukari said blushing. "Yeah but we wanted to." Hana said.

"You really shouldn't have." Yukari said

"Okay, how about this, you take the gifts, if you let me turn on the triple crown." Maho said

"I didn't know you were into horse racing." Miho said

"I'm not, but American Pharoah can be the first winner in 37 years, and I'm not missing that." Maho said

"Deal." Yukari said. Saori handed her her box. She opened it, and found vouchers from wargaming for some of the rarest tanks, planes, and ships in wargaming games.

"Oh my god!" She said shocked.

"Well, Maho gave me a list of vehicles, but I found them." Saori said, she herself turning red

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