Chapter 19: Talking

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Maho woke up early, like she always did. She only wished that saori had coffee on hand. She walked downstairs, only to see Hana fast asleep on the couch. Maho gingerly walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of coco. She went onto the back porch to admire the serene coast line. She thought back to all the times she and Miho had gone to the beach. She knew the peace and quite would end.

Hana was shaken awake by yukari

"Wake up Hana, breakfast is almost ready, jeez I know you went to bed after all of us, I didn't know you fell asleep out here." Hana jerked up. She saw that everyone was outside talking while saori flipped pancakes.

"What time is it?" She asked groggily. "About 10." Yukari responded
"Ok, I can be dressed in 10 minutes."  Hana said wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"You don't have to change, no one else is, well except maho." Yukari said

"Oh, ok." Hana said. She and yukari walked outside. It was cool and breezy. Everyone was talking about the accuracy of the tiger tank.

"Look who finally got up." Yukari said as she opened the door

"Good morning." Maho said as Hana walked out. "Your a gunner, which is more accurate, the tiger's gun or the firefly 17 pounder."

"I told you already, the firefly is more accurate." Yukari said, grabbing a water bottle from the cooler.

"No, my crew took a shot from 300 yards and hit a Matilda right in the gun mantlet." Maho argued

"Lucky shot." Yukari said

"Hey, the panther was more accurate than either of them." Miho said
"Good point." Responded Saori.

"No it wasn't, the firefly could take out panthers pretty fast." Yukari countered.
"Not if the panther angles." Maho said

"Well, if the tiger is anywhere near is accurate as the panzer, then I would say it wins, but mind you I have never fired a firefly." Hana said

"We will settle this later, darjeeling's tanks have 17 pounders, we can call her later and find out once and for all." Yukari said sitting down next to Hana. Saori finished the pancakes.

"Well that was awesome." Maho said finishing her breakfast.
"You seemed to really like that." Saori said

"Kuromoromine excels at many things, tanks, academics etc etc, food, not so much." Maho responded. After a while maho remembered she had to go shopping with Hana. "Hana, you ready to go." Maho asked

"Uh, sure, give me a few minutes." Hana said nervously

"I'll get the car." Maho said getting up. A few minutes later, Hana and Maho pulled out of the driveway headed for the malls. Maho figured she and Hana could get her a swimsuit before going grocery shopping.

"Hana, did you fall asleep in the living room." Maho asked as she pulled up to a red light. "Uh." She said.

"Hana, I know something has been bothering you, and I hate to see you like this. It reminds me of me a couple of years ago when Miho left."  Maho said.

"I'm sorry, I'm not much of a conversationalist." Hana said. Maho didn't take the psych class at kuromoromine, but she knew she didn't want to make the situation worse by pressuring Hana.

"Well, neither am I, I wrote the book on bad conversation. I never did get the hang of it with Miho. I guess I still have a lot to learn." Maho said, regret in her voice
"Maho, what's wrong." Hana asked.

"I was just thinking about how great my little sister is. I ruined our relationship. I ruined her favorite sport. I ruined her school experience, and she just forgave me like nothing happened." Maho said.

"Didn't you say you had done all that to protect her?" Hana asked trying to understand Maho.

"Yes, but I never shook my guilt, and I guess I still haven't." Maho said as she pulled into the mall parking lot. Maho had never been a person whose life revolved around looks, her life for the longest time revolved around winning, and her little sister. But now that she could relax with her sister, she had to learn how. Hana had said she wasn't a fashion expert. Maho didn't want a fashion expert, she wanted to spend quality time with Hana, she had spent a lot of time with the others, but Hana would always find an excuse to leave. However it seemed that even though Hana wasn't an expert, she had picked up some things from Saori.  Hana got maho's size from Miho, well with help from Yukari, which creeped Maho out. Hana told maho she would find some to try on while maho looked for a tank store yukari had told her about. Hana texted her that she was ready. Maho never really cared for two pieces, she never really liked swimming. Maho met Hana at a changing room. She looked through the four or five Hana had pulled out. She tried on a a couple before deciding on a black one. After paying for it, she and Hana went back to the tank store. She saw a command tank for Heinz guedarian, she knew Yukari would love it, so she picked it up as well. They went grocery shopping, after about an hour, they loaded the car, and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Hana, you know cars are a lot like flowers, no two are ever the same." Maho said.
"Your right, I didn't know you were into cars." Hana replied

"I took mechanics, which covered tanks, but it also featured cars, and even a rolls royce Merlin aircraft engine." Maho said. 

"Maho" Hana said.

"Yeah."  Mayo responded

"I don't really want to go into details right now, but, what do you think about me?"  Hana asked meekly
"Why does it matter?" Was Maho's response.

"It matters to me." Hana said, hoping she wouldn't have to explain it.

"Ok then, well I think you are one of the shyest sweetest nicest girls I have ever met and I am proud to call you a friend." Maho said. Hana blushed

"Really." She asked.

"Of course, what did you think." Maho asked. She kept an eye on her reaction.
"Thanks." She said, flashing a smile.

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