Chapter 20: Ghosts

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That night, Miho was reading on her phone while maho was asleep, actually passed out in the bed was more like it. Miho couldn't believe her older sister was back in her life.  Miho remembered when she was five and Maho was eight, they would run around in little cardboard tanks playing tankery with each other. She remembered Maho would always come up with an excuse to why she didn't win, she bounced, she missed, etc etc, and Miho would always win. Miho practically had to force Maho to claim victory. She remembered the good times they had at kuromoromine when Miho went their. Maho would always bring Miho to the parties, protect her from the bullies, keep Nishizumi fan girls away from her, even credit her with victory. Miho also remembered the day when the incredible winning streak ended.

Flashback-Miho's perspective (sort of)
"Why did you abandon your tank!?" Erika shouted at Miho, who was practically in tears. "You realize your tank was the flag tank right!?"

"Pravda was waiting for us, they had set up an ambush." Miho said, feeling she couldn't hold in her tears any longer.

"You broke a nine year winning streak.  What is wrong with you?" Erika said as she stormed to the door of the Nishizumi's room.  "Maybe your not tankery material." She said as she slammed the door. Miho was relieved she had left. She hadn't seen Maho since the end of the match. She pulled herself together. If she had to guess where Maho was, it was with their mother. Miho walked out the door and back to Shiho Nishizumi's office, she peaked her head around the corner, and sure enough saw Maho and her mother. Maho's eyes were closed. Miho could tell she had been crying. "You assured me she was ready for a command position." Shiho yelled. Maho stayed very calm at the desk.

"Apparently I was wrong." Maho said keeping her voice neutral

"Apparently, apparently, she cost us a world record. Our motto is that no matter what sacrifice we have to make we will always push on to victory.  Your sister can't seem to grasp that." Her mother said.

"I am aware of her limitations." Maho said as she opened her eyes.  They were red, but even though they were red and bloodshot, she kept her professional look. "But as commander I must assume responsibility for the actions of my..."She began.
"Save it, I have to think about what I'm going to do next." Maho stood up.
"Thank you for your time." She said. Miho ran back to their room. Now she really began crying.
Maho's gonna kill me. I ruined the highlight of her career. She hates me now for sure. She thought.
Miho heard the door open. Maho walked in with Erika again. Miho was in the back.
There isn't going to be a good time, you just have to face her.
Miho dragged herself from her bed and walked out to face maho and Erika.
"Oh good your still here." Erika said sarcastically. "Don't you have to go swimming soon"  Miho felt herself start to cry again.
"You are so getting cut." Erika said. Miho didn't stay to see what happened. She ran back into her room and flopped face down on the bed, once again staining her pillow in tears. A while later she heard her door open again. She had already faced her mother that day, but she was more afraid of Maho. Maho had always been there for her. She had brought Miho a bandaid when she when she fell and skinned her knees. She put an end to the bullying from a fellow stundent.  She had even saved Miho from a Maginot tank in the clinching match for the finals. But now, Miho had ruined the highlight of her sisters career. She heard the door open. Maho walked in and sat on her bed.

"Miho can we talk?" The words cut her like a knife.

"Sure." She said sitting up and drying her tears on her uniform.

"Miho, I..." She stared

"I'm sorry Maho." She said still crying.  "I ruined your career, I ruined our winning streak, I ruined everything and I'm sorry, and if you hate me now I understand."
"I could never hate you Miho, you're my sister." Maho said switching from her bed to Miho's and hugged her sister. Miho shifted around, but maho didn't let go. "But I cost us the victory." She said.

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