Chapter 4

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~Day before school~

"Stupid computer!! Why won't you work??!!" I yelled.

I had to Skype Sasha and Riley!! This moron of a computer hasn't been working at all and I don't know what's wrong with it!!

I looked at my alarm clock and it read 2:45.

Great!! Just perfect!! I was supposed to Skype them at 2:00!

This sucks...

"Hey, is there anything wrong? I heard someone yell." Dave asked.

"My computer won't work!!" I blurted out.

"I can fix it if you want?" Dave said warily.

I looked at him skeptically and with one last look at my alarm clock, I gave in with a nod. There was an unmistakable grin on his face as he inspected my stupid computer. He worked on it for 5 minutes before I could see both of my friends faces on the screen.

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU!" I exclaimed while hugging him.

His body stiffened as I hugged him. Immediately realizing what I was doing I quickly let go of him. He looked bewildered and confused and to be honest, I probably looked the same.

I mumbled a 'thanks' which snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked down at his feet and said 'your welcome' and turned towards my door.

I watched him walk out of my room. He's probably gonna tell mom what I did too......fantastic. I face palmed myself in agitation. Why did I do that?

Realizing that my friends probably saw that whole thing, I awkwardly turned towards them, my hand still on my forehead. Their mouths were hanging wide open, their eyes looked like they were going to bulge out of their heads. Yup, they saw.......everything.

My hand slid down to my side. I sat down on my desk chair.

"What was that all about?" Sasha exclaimed/asked.

"Nothing. I was giving him the Heimlich maneuver" I say. The Heimlich maneuver! Rly!!! You couldn't come up with a better lie Parker?!

"Sure that's what happened!," Sasha said.

I glared at her.

Sensing my annoyance and anger, Riley changed the subject.

"So how has it been in New York? Meet anybody worth talking about?" Riley asked wiggling her eyebrows. I knew that she was implying guys.

Wait! Riley........and guys!!!

I looked at her with disbelief. Riley is never this calm and......eager to talk about boys. She needs to stop hanging around Sasha! She's supposed to be the innocent one of our group!

"I think Sasha's rubbing off on you." I say, voicing my thoughts.

"Yup! She's my new project! She's gonna have every guy at her feet!" Sasha says excitedly.

"Oh god!" I say.

"Well....." they both say.

Trying to avoid the boy topic I talked about Lacey instead of that jerk face, Benjamin.

"Well this girl, Lacey volunteered to tour me around my new school. She's really sweet and funny. When we went through the school I thought we would get lo-" I said before Sasha interrupted me.

"No!!!! We're talking about boys silly!! What GUYS have you met?!" she asked putting extra emphasis on the word 'guys.'

They stared at me for 5 minutes straight. Finally I had to cave in and tell them about Benjamin cause they were now giving me pouty faces. They both knew I can't resist one of their pouty faces!

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