Chapter 9

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~Parker's POV~

"Hey sweetie how was your day?" my mother asked me as I came into our new house. She was sitting in the living room with a book in her hands. She looked up at me, her glasses falling down to the tip of her nose. I push them up for her and mutter 'nerd' under my breath.

"It was.......eventful." I say as I plop down next to her. Today was a lot of things, confusing, astonishing, frustrating, and embarrassing.

"Oh really? What happened?" my mom asked while closing her open book and taking off her nerd glasses.

"Let's just say people are crazy."

She gives me a pout. She's not gonna let me slide on this one. "Oh come on! I want to know what happened." she whined. God she's worse than Aunt Kelly!

I sighed in defeat. "Well this guy is being ridiculous!" I exclaim.

"Ooooo! Who is he? What is he doing?"she questions, obviously interested in this new piece of information.

"His names Ben and he's is acting like he's bi polar!! I can't deal with him! Plus he was acting like a complete jerk to me today!" I say while remembering what he had said about me. I forgave him, but what he said still hurt a lot.

"Why? What did he say to you?" she questions further.

I hesitantly answer her question. I don't want her to freak out or go bat shit crazy and hurt him (although that would be funny!).

"H-he said that I was a bitch." I say giving her half of the truth. She doesn't need to know about the 'good fuck' thing. Her face morphed into anger. She was about to start ranting when I interjected.

"Buuuut, he realized his mistake and practically ran across the whole school in order to apologize to me." I mumble.

I peer over to see her face and it is the picture of confusion. But then her confused expression transformed into a wide grin.

"He likes you." she says bluntly.

I almost choke on air and I start coughing loudly. If I had a drink right now, I would be spitting it out right about now.

"What--the hell---mom!----He doesn't--like me!" I try to say through my coughing fit.

"You may not know that. Heck! He might not even know it yet." she says matter of factly.

I gave her an 'are you kidding me' look.

"Mom, we just met and what you just said doesn't make sense." I say while getting up to walk to the kitchen. I wanted to find something to eat.

As I walked out of the living room I heard my mom say "it's going to make sense soon."

My mom, as you can see, is ridiculous. I tell her everything because I'm an only child. I don't have anyone to talk to at my house other than her. Whenever I do tell her stuff, like stuff about boys, she jumps all over it. She jumps to conclusions and gets all nosy about it.Ugh the perks of being an only child....that was sarcasm by the way.

I opened the fridge and got out some grapes and set them on the counter.

I was about to put a handful of them in my mouth when my mom came in with a stern expression. What the heck? Is she acting bi polar too? She better not be! I can't deal with that shit!

She sat down at the dining room table and motioned for me to sit next to her. I warily set my grapes back into the bag and slowly walked over to where my mom was sitting.

I sat down and looked at my mom expectantly and she just stared at me with no emotion. Oooookaaaay??

"Dave can you come over here please! We need to talk to Parker about something." she yells.

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