Chapter 6

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~Parker's POV~

"OMG! FOOD!" Lacey said and bolted towards the lunch line.

"Is she always like this around food?" I ask Maura. "Yeah pretty much! She treasures her food, especially cheese burgers. Me, Ben, and her went to this burger place out of town, and well, let's just say that she's banned for life." Maura said.

"It's that bad?" I ask with no hint of accusation in my voice. I like me some hamburgers too!

"Yup!" she says while popping the 'p'.
We both looked over at Lacey getting her food. Her face was identical to a kid getting their favorite toy for Christmas!
Maura and I burst out laughing then once we were done, we followed Lacey's lead and got our lunches.

Maura and I had gotten some pizza while Lacey got pizza, mac and cheese, and an apple. We looked over the cafeteria looking for a suitable table to sit at, and found a booth.

"Ugh, finally somewhere to sit!" I exclaim as I plop into the booth making it creak a little under my weight. Lacey slid in next to me while Maura sat across from me.

After a couple minutes of comfortable silence, all three of us eating our lunch, Lacey spoke.

"So Wendy, how has your first day been, aside from the whole detention thing?" She asks me using my nickname (which I loathe!).

I thought about that for a minute. There were a lot of nice people that I met today in every one of my classes. Some of the guys were even bold enough to give me their numbers which I kindly accepted so as not to be rude. After Trig with the asshole, I went to Speech which was nice because I love public speaking. Then I went to biology which I absolutely abhor because we will be dissecting a pig during the third semester, (lets just say I'm not looking forward to that), now I'm here at lunch with Lacey and Maura. So yeah I guess today was an okay day!

"It was okay." I say with a small smile.

By the looks of it Lacey understood. "Yeah I know our school can be a handful, but I think you'll get used to it."

"Wait what happened in Trig?" Maura asked. Her face looked very confused. Ugh! I really don't want to explain this!

I was about to speak, when a familiar husky irritating voice rudely interrupted me.

"My little cupcake here has detention......with me after school." Ben said while putting a hand on my head.
I quickly brushed it away.

"What?! You both got detention on the first day of school?! How did that happen?!" Maura asked, bewildered.

"Well you see," Ben began, but I cut him off.

"This ass hole got me in trouble." I say while scowling up at Ben.

He scoffed at me. "I got you in trouble?! You got yourself in trouble by trying to ask me out." He says matter factly and he throws in a wink too.

Lacey didn't seem the least surprised, but Maura was though. I, on the other hand, was trying not to punch his pretty little face into an overused punching bag! I glared at him with such a ferocity that I didn't even know I had. He just smirked at me. Does he ever smile or something? He always smirks.

'Not that you're complaining' my conscious said.

This is sooooo not the time!

"Wait-what-why.." Maura tried to say but it all came out in a jumble.

I ignored what she was going to say, and decided to give a comeback.

"I didn't even hint to asking you out. I would never go that low and date you!" I say with a smirk of my own.

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