Chapter Sixteen: Hook, Line, And Sinker

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POV from Austin

I don't really understand how Cameron can sleep in this office. It was cold, it had white noise, it had me, swearing loudly at my phone. I heard a knock on my door and I turned to it, making sure it wasn't anyone important. When I glanced up and saw Alan there, my eyes widened. 

"Alan, what're you-" 

"Well, then. You skipped your free time, Danny's been saying how you don't care about him, and Josh is missing." Alan said, leaning against the door frame, a smirk playing on his lips. "And trust me. Everyone is flipping out that Josh is missing." 

"What do you mean missing?" I questioned stupidly. 

"Oh, you know…" Alan trailed off. "MIA. Missing. Not here. Not in his place. Gone. Lost-" 

"I get it." I said coldly, turning to see Cameron wake up and yawn loudly. "How long has he been missing for?" 

Alan shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Probably forty five minutes." 

"Why hasn't anyone told me this?" I snapped, standing up and making sure that my jacket was on. Alan gave me a weary look and he sighed, stepping away from my door to let me out of the room. I made sure Cameron followed me and I walked a fast pace over to the Sun Room after locking my room shut. I turned the corner and saw Chris pacing uncontrollably in front of the window. His eyes connected with mine and he shook his head nervously. 

"I don't know where he is. I checked his room, my room, the nurse ward, the kitchen, the Garden Room, the infirmary…I asked Oli if he had seen Josh, but he said no-" Chris broke off and shook his head, his brown ponytail flopping slightly. "I don't know what to do, Austin-I mean, Dr. Carlile." 

I bit my lip and crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Did you check the Space Room?" It was a room that Alex Gaskarth decided to make after some patients complained about it always being so bright. Alex called it the Space Room and put pictures of planets and stars on the walls. The whole room was dimly lit and I sometimes needed a headlamp in there. 

"Why would I do that?" Chris muttered, sullenly. "Josh hates the dark." 

"Not if he has another personality." I said quietly. Chris' eyes widened as he leaned in closed to see if he had heard me correctly.  


"I think Josh has split into another personality." I sighed, rubbing my head. I heard Alan's breath hitch a little, but I ignored it. "I think when he almost lost Oliver, his brain got too stressed out and he didn't know what to do with all of his emotions, so…it split." 

"Into what?" Chris asked, appalled. I shrugged, closing my eyes. 

"I think…I think into a really depressed…sketchy…almost…normal personality." 

"Normal?" Chris breathed. I nodded, opening my eyes. 

"Normal. Like writing normally, spelling's correct, so is grammar. Everything that happy Josh isn't is what this new Josh is." I felt my lips turn into a frown as I shook my head quickly, trying to rid the thoughts of the possible new personality. 

"So, if happy Josh likes the Sun Room…" Chris trailed off. 

"Then depressed Josh would like the Space Room." I finished. Chris nodded quickly and we set off down the halls to find Josh. 

When we reached the Space Room door, I made sure that Chris and Alan stayed behind. I was confident that Josh wouldn't hurt me, but with this new personality, I didn't know what to think of Josh anymore. I had to relearn him as a person over again. And it sucked. 

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