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Copyright © Georgie E. 2017

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.

Editted 24/06/2017



Everything glistened ivory, gold and teal. The colours moved like water, overlapping waves that just as you identified one colour another washes over. The colours sparkled under the light, glittering as the gold and silver threads that intertwined with the silk caught the candlelight.

It was an amazing, wonderful night with all her friends dancing and twirling. There was a man at the end of each out-stretched hand, something that made the girl's heart swell. Even Elfriede was laughing as a man five years her senior seized her waist and took her, literally, off her feet.

"And why are you over here on your own?"

She looked over and her heart warmed, the smile came instantaneously. "I wanted to watch."

"You should not be watching; you should be amidst it all."

"I suppose you're right."

Will smirked; "I am always right."

She laughed heartily, her fingers worked along the embroidery of her dress.

"You look beautiful," he added, his eyes following the girl's digits. "Would you dance with me?"

The girl's eyes joined his and a smile worked her lips. His own lips curled from the tips, smile lines framed his mouth and eyes. Just like the sparkling dresses on the dance floor this man's face was glorious.

"Of course," she replied and took the man's outstretched hand. They walked towards, amidst the crowd until they were in the centre of the marble hall. His hand found her waist, he spun her on the spot and then they joined the crowd. From the outskirts they couldn't be seen, they merged into the crowd of the other smiling, happy faces.


"That's a beautiful dream." Will handed the coffee over and Hope had no qualms pressing her favourite mug into her palms, letting the heat resonate through the skin. "But did it really have to interrupt me saying happy birthday, or happy anniversary?"

Hope laughed and took a sip of the coffee. It was sweet, one sugar sweet, and creamy from the milk and creamer powder.

"Go on then, I won't interrupt, say it."

Will crawled his way onto the bed, his hand precariously holding the coffee out of harms reach. He placed the coffee on the window sill behind Hope's head. "Happy birthday, my love." He pressed a peck to Hope's mouth. "Happy fifth anniversary, my sweet." Another kiss was planted to her mouth, this one slower and lingering.

"Happy anniversary, my darling." He pulled away and she relaxed against the headboard. "What about you, did you sleep well?"

That smile that caused lines to frame his eyes and mouth appeared, there was something so secretive in his eyes. "I didn't sleep at all really?"

"Why?" She took another drink.

"We don't need to talk about sleep now, Hope." Hope opened her mouth to pressure an answer out of him. "Ah-ah-ah." He dropped a parcel wrapped in silver paper into her lap. "Open your present."

Hope squealed and grabbed for the gift. In most senses, she was wise beyond her years, that coming with a past like hers, but in other senses, she was still that little girl that couldn't sleep the night before Christmas due to butterflies of excitement.

Will laughed and leant back as she pulled open the present. He couldn't stop the smirk on his face as she pulled at the box the size of her palm. Within the wrapping, the box was made of green velvet, a material that made her skin crawl, but she ignored it and popped it open. Inside in dark grey metal was a bracelet. It was thick and industrial even, the only thing to soften it was the small heart hanging as a pendant. Engraved into the metal were three small scratches: 'W + H'.

"Oh, Will!" She dropped the box and threw her arms around him. "I love it; I love it so much."

"And I love you." Hope grinned at his words and she slowly leant forward. She placed her hands either side of his jaw and slowly left her mark on his lips. He smiled into her touch and taking her waist he threw her onto her back. She giggled and he took no time to start pecking her face, mouth, neck and chest.

"I love you too," Hope whispered once the giggles subsided. She looked over at the clock and groaned, how could it possibly be that time already. "But I think I have to go."

Will's eyes found the blasted clock face and he too groaned. "Can't you have today off?"

"I'm not twelve I can't get away with saying I didn't come in because it's my birthday."

"Yes you can," he whined as Hope climbed out of the bed. He tried to loop his arm around her again but she slipped out of his grips. "Come back!" He called out dramatically; "I love you."

Hope laughed again. "Make me breakfast whilst I'm in the shower."

Will rolled his eyes. "What do you want princess."

Hope's lips puckered and she leant her shoulder against the bathroom door. Her thoughtful look relaxed and a smile took its place; "I want the whole shebang. I want spicy beans, eggs, bacon, hash browns..." She listed the ingredients on her fingers, the more she stated the wider her grin.

"So I'll be raiding the freezer drawer."

Hope shrugged. "It's what I want, and as you stated I'm the princess today. Not you. So chop-chop and make me food."

Will shook his head. "You're treating me like a slave."

Hope laughed again. "Oh shut up." She spun on her heels and made her way into the bathroom. Will laughed and taking the last chug of his coffee he too left the bedroom, to make his princess her low-maintenance birthday breakfast. 

Will and Hope [Formerly Ro and Georgie, slowly editting]Where stories live. Discover now