Chapter 18

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Groggily Georgie opened her eyes and the next thing, the only thing she could think about was the scorching thirst. She swallowed but there was no saliva for her to force the lump down. She blinked rapidly feeling her eyes drying under the hot light of the fluorescent light bulbs above her.  She decided to go back to emptying her throat and tried repeatedly to coughing to no success before deciding to hum. She remembered listening to the ‘Surgery’ on a Sunday night about a year ago and the best way to clear a throat was to hum instead of hacking like most believed was best.

She sighed in relief and closed her eyes trying to rest. How long have I been here? She wondered before fluttering her eyes open at the numb pain that she felt in her hand. How that she thought about pain her whole right side felt like it had been crushed by a wagon and her breathing increased as she tried to keep the scream in. She turned to look at what was causing the pain to her hand and she smiled when she saw Ro sitting there. His face was a grumpy one and it reminded her of a worn leather bag and how it flops when put down. His hair was its crazy mass that it always had been and she couldn’t stop herself from dragging her fingers through his cloudy hair. She repeatedly did this whilst he slept at her side.

It became a soothing motion and soon her mind wondered off, but not to a nice place. How could she have doubted her Ro? It seemed to her that he had been here every waking moment and maybe even when he was asleep he was asleep here like he was now. She questioned herself on how she could trust someone she didn’t really know and believe him, not only was he just a man. He was a mean man. She felt her stomach twist as she realised just how gullible she was to listen to him. From this day forward she promised to trust Ro with everything and anything.

“Georgina?” A man asked and her train of thought came to an abrupt stop as she looked up at a man. A man she had grown to know. He was tall and broad but not fat, with greying hair and kind eyes. He had a scary resemblance to Princess Georgina’s true father. “Hello, I’m Mr. Pennyfood. I have been your doctor for the past three weeks.” She nodded slowly. “Can I get you anything?”

“C-c-c-” she sighed in frustration when she couldn’t get the words out.

“Water?” he asked with a smile and she nodded giving him a grin. He moved to the side and poured her a glass and put it gently to her lips. With the hand that Ro wasn’t holding she went to hold it herself being the independent girl she was but she could tangled up in the IV tubing and with a sigh drank like a child.

“Thank you Sir.” she said more clearly and hummed again making sure the lump didn’t resurface. As she talked Ro made a noise and the next second his eyes were open and he was staring at Georgie through groggy eyes.

“No problem Georgie, I will call your parents to tell them you have woken up.” he slipped through the door and as soon as she heard the click she turned to Ro.

“Shit!” Ro said as Georgie opened her mouth to speak herself.

“What?” she asked feeling confused. “Where’s mum and dad?” he opened his mouth to tell her. “OW!” she added as pain shot up from her bum.

“What Georgie?” Ro said getting distracted from what he was about to say.

“My bum hurts.” she whined and he chuckled as he pressed a red button on the wall. “What’s ‘shit’?”

“You’re up.” he said simply. Her face crumpled at that and horror flashed across his face as he realised what he had just said. “No, no. What I mean is. I wasn’t awake when you woke up. I was supposed to tell you something. Oh and Matt and Jill are having a coffee downstairs.”

“Tell me something?” she said but it sounded like a question. A smile reappeared on her lips. “Tell me now!” she ordered and he laughed at how enthusiastic she was.

“Hello Georgina.” said a rather fat nurse who walked into the room. Georgie turned to look at Ro questioningly and she spotted how much he must hate this woman by the daggers he was sending her. She crossed her arms as best she could deciding that she didn’t like this woman either. “I’m going to be giving you a shot now, to ease the pain.” Georgie nodded stiffly as she eyed up the woman. She shifted uneasily under the two teens’ glare. “Are you a package deal or something?” The nurse asked trying to joke it off but she didn’t get a response. Yes, Georgie thought and looked over at Ro who was smirking at her. The nurse hurried to get out of their glares and set to work injecting the analgesic fluid into her arm.

“Go on. Tell me!” she ordered again when the door shut. She grinned from ear to ear hoping it was what she wanted to hear.  She sat up before falling back down onto the pillow letting out a hysterical laugh. “Ahh, I’m dizzy!” she giggled again like she was her five year old self again.

“I think you’re slightly high.” Ro said stroking Georgie’s hair out of her eyes. “I’ve been here every day, sitting at your side just waiting for you to wake up and as I sat here I’ve been thinking how stupid I have been over the years because from the beginning I knew and I just never had the balls to say it. But having you like this made me understand that I shouldn’t waste the time I have with you and...”

“Yeah?” Georgie whispered to him softly.

. “Georgie... I love you.”  Even through the dizzy faze she was she felt her breath catch in her throat and she grinned from ear to ear.

“I love you too.” She whispered again and they looked at each other so tenderly that it could make butter melt.

“I was wondering.” Ro said going bashful and Georgie had to chew on her lip to stop herself from laughing. “If you’d go to ROA with me.” Georgie felt tears come to her eyes and she blinked repeatedly trying to stop them from falling. She nodded her head knowing her voice would give her away about how much she wanted this. “Thank you.” he whispered and he leaned down to kiss her. Georgie swung her arm to the back of his neck and forced him onto her lips. Ro buckled and fell on top of her as they kissed he raised himself up slightly so not to hurt her.

It was what Georgie had always expected kissing Ro would be like. Fireworks whooshing and all that crap that she had always thought was too cliché for a down to earth girl like her to believe in but that was how Georgie felt right at the moment. It was like the two of them had flown up to the clouds. Ro bit her lip as he pulled away smiling as he came from cloud nine too. She smiled up at him dopily and she blinked again this time more slowly as her eye lids started to become heavy she looked through the window to see her mum and dad pushing the room door open with Cheshire cat grins plastered on their faces. She grinned as her eyes fell... and she was asleep.

 Xx So I got told by my buddy Foo (also known as FantacyFfi) that Georgie needed to come back here with all us people. This sin't just because that crazy ginger wanted it, I had planned for Georgie to come back to live and it was just a coincidink that it was on chapter 18 (my favourite number [and so fictional Georgie's] favourite number. Just a fact for you there. I'm going to publicise now that Foo has also written a story. She hasn't got the same style writing as me as it is a Harry Potter fan fic but if you like all that then you should definitely read it!

Love Georgie xX

Will and Hope [Formerly Ro and Georgie, slowly editting]Where stories live. Discover now