Chapter 5

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It was evening and Georgie was sat in front of a mirror, Cathy once again preparing her to go out. Georgie felt like shit, when Roland took her back to the mansion on Tuesday she had been put straight to bed by Cathy and when she woke up on Wednesday she was suffering a cold that the cold of outside had given her.

In between then and now, she'd met her father and mother. Both were overly posh, straight backed and acted like they had a pole shoved up their lower crevis's. She didn't really like them, but to her relief she didn't have to talk much. This was weird; at home she was used to talking to her family about her day with her mouth full in the unlady-like manner Georgie possessed. It felt awkward to not talk to people who were supposed to love Princess Georgina.

Cathy had told Georgie her theories; that the two of them had taken over the lives of their past selves, that this is a pigment of their imagination, or that they are both dead and have ended as a past self. Georgie was a girl of science and believed that she was concussed and that obviously she would dream about what she'd been dreaming about for years; her and Ro in a past time.

She sat in her room now, in yet another tight fitted dress. If she thought the other dresses were like ball gowns, she couldn't really say what this one was. The dress was a cornflower blue, which matched her eyes. It was close fit and clung to her skinny frame nicely, highlighting that she did actually have curves which Georgie had never really noticed until she had started wearing these dresses. The sleeves were short and hung like a wave off her shoulders. The skirt of the dress was in four layers until it hit the floor. She wore a pair of high heels that matched the cornflower blue dress. Her hair was up in a complicated sideways chignon that had braids swirling into it. There were tiny cornflower pins in-bedded into the hairdo.

She was shaking it was only an hour before her birthday ball and as usual before leaving her bedroom she got her usual pep talk from Cathy. "... and don't talk unless you're asked pacifically." she finished. Pep talk meaning more of no potential cock-ups. "Back straight, smile. You're being a hostess meaning a show piece that everyone will look at. Don't drink you'll spill it; I still can't get that wine stain out of what you wore last time. Seriously are you four? Or can't you get the principal of getting drink down your throat not your dress?" Georgie rolled her eyes; Cathy was making up for her mother not being here. Everything Georgie did she got a sarky comment about it. So she got nervous, hands shaking and took a sip of the tangy red wine, it missed her mouth and went down her front. So what? She got a laugh out of it. Not that anyone else in the room did, but it was funny at the time.

"Okay, got it Cathy. When can I go?" She was nervous but at the same time excited. She'd never gone to a ball before and she couldn't wait to see Roland again, which she hadn't seen since Tuesday. She had decided over the time since they parted that she was going to tell him what had happened to her.

"Um, well you can go down now if you like. Your 'mother' wanted you to go and see her before the ball anyway; you might as well go now." Cathy frowned. Georgie stood up and she brushed her down frantically. "She wanted to meet you in the drawing room." she smiled weakly and Georgie responded the same way. She walked over to the door; she turned at the door and smiled again. Her smile faltered as she saw Cathy go a funny colour and fall to the floor. She ran over to the body and pulled Cathy into the recovery position that she learnt when she was at school last year. She said Cathy's name a few times and fanned her face frantically. Cathy mumbled and then went quiet again. Georgie got up and ran for the hidden buzzer at her bed she pressed it a few times and soon a maid came up.

Will and Hope [Formerly Ro and Georgie, slowly editting]Where stories live. Discover now