Chapter 4

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Georgie gripped the banister of the grand staircase with her life, her knuckles were white from the grip and even so, she was shaking. She was breathing rapid shallow breaths and her face was going hot, possibly from the amount of clothing she had on, but she knew it was mostly because of the fear building inside her. She walked slowly, watching her feet, she was wearing three inch high heels - Georgie was a girl who was permanently in flats - and she wobbled trying to put the shoes flat onto the steps. Someone opened the door on the level she was descending to, Georgie quickly straightened up and took another step down and she ricked her ankle and pain shot up from that point up her leg to where it became fuzzy tingles around her hip. She gasped in breath between her teeth, and whimpered. She decided to look where her feet went until she got onto the ground level.

"Princess." someone said behind Georgie, she whirled around to see a short pudgy man in a black tail coat and a bright white shirt, butler. "You are expected in the Morning Room."

Georgie pulled in a big breath of air "Ah." she said breathing her mouthful of air out in one syllable. "Ah. Yes, yes of course. Thank you." she smiled and turned back to the room she guessed was the Morning room.

"Princess." She turned back to the pudgy man, he looked very worried. "This way." he said sweeping his hand towards a huge dark door.

"Ah, yes. I-I got you." she said grinning and walking to where he was indicating.

"Got me?" he asked.

"Um..." She wracked her brain, shiiiit "Yes, I made you believe I was going frightfully insane!" and she laughed a kind of pompous sounding laugh. The man joined in the laughter but he looked very very confused. She went to get the handle, but he hurried around her and grabbed the handle, pulling it open and sweeping his arm in. "Thank you." The man looked shocked. What? Never been thanked before? She shrugged and walked into the room.

Unlike her bedroom this room was designed to be light, it was a pale aqua, with chairs a shade darker with a trim of gold. There were big French windows that opened up onto a big plain of grass. The room was ginormous like her room but it was still, somehow jam packed with furniture, chairs in neat circles tables everywhere, vases scattered like dandelion seeds on a windy day. It was all organised but somehow really messy.

Georgie started her way towards a chair, there seemed to be no-one in there but as she walked towards her chosen seat she noticed a man sitting with his back to her. She didn't know what to do so she coughed tentatively, he spun around and her heart stopped. It was Ro. No it was Roland not her Ro, like Cathy said. But he looked like her Roland, brown skin, brown eyes, light brown lips, a curtain of eyelashes. His hair wasn't the same, it was braided, not his usual over-grown skater-boy sticky out hair that she always yearned to run her fingers through. This Roland smiled at her, and her breath caught in her throat like it always did when Ro gave her that smile.

"Hello Princess Georgina." He said, he sounded formal but sexy and there was a knowing smile on his face. "How are you today? Come sit, I was getting bored over here and you are exactly what I need to cheer me up." OKAAAAAY Georgie thought Ro, but not Ro.... SHIT what am I going to say to him, I can't say that I had a really crap morning 'cause I woke up here and not 2012! Can't talk about Xbox’s or anything like that. She kept on jabbering to herself inside her head as she walked over to Roland, she sat down in a way which she hoped was graceful and turned towards him. He was smiling that knowing smile what’s he smiling at??? She grinned back and waited for him to talk again.

"Hello, Princess. How are you today? I feel I have already asked that question, have I not?" However centuries had passed this Roland was still a cocky idiot.

Will and Hope [Formerly Ro and Georgie, slowly editting]Where stories live. Discover now