Chapter 16

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“What is your problem?” she yelled as she got close to the three of them, the three being Joseph, Roland and that strange man who had been standing and staring outside the cottage a few weeks ago. She slid off the horse in a manner that it could have been an art and pulled the reins close and stood close next to Roland in a protective stance.

“The real question is what are you doing here Georgina?”

“The title is Princess Georgina and I live here. Now answer my question.” she asked with fake importance, she had learnt that being self important got you somewhere in life and you were less approachable.

“No, Georgie. I meant; what are you doing in this time?” She reacted badly; gasping and stepping back until she slammed into the thick wall that was Roland’s chest. He steadied her and as she looked up at him she saw the hatred in his eyes as he stared at Joseph.

“What – what do you mean by that Joseph?” she asked panicked.

“You do know what I mean, Georgie.” Georgie’s breathing rate increased as she looked at the cruel man in the eyes. This was too much for her sixteen year old brain. She wanted out. Right now. “I know you are scared Georgina, you want to get back to your true love. I know how you can get back to him.”

“How?” she asked hating herself for asking but she would do anything to get back to Ro, even taking advice from this jerk.

“You need to get out of here, you need to fade.” she nodded seeing sense in it, she had seen enough Ashes to Ashes and life on Mars episodes that something weird like that was... well, weird.

“Georgie this is too vague, is it not?” Roland asked next to me.

“Roland.” He warned. “Georgie you are on the border of life and death, this? This is just a dream and the best thing to do, for Ro and for you is to let go and die. Ro is holding onto fraying string and the best thing to do is to snap the string.” she shook her head feeling this was too real to be a dream an imagination, yes she was a dreamer but she couldn’t imagine all of this and anyway her dreams were of love not heart ache. “You know this is fake Georgina. Why would there be a black lord, you have studied this in history you know about the racist abuse.”

“Don’t listen to him Georgie.” Roland warned.

“Please be quiet Roland.”  Joseph uttered every sound sounding edgy and frustrated. He pulled a revolver out of the waistband of his trousers that had been hidden by his trench coat type thing.

“I – I can’t believe you, I’m sorry Joseph.” she whispered scared out of her mind.

“I can show you.” he said his eyes like round flying saucers. “Let me show you.” he held out his hand and Georgie stared at it cautiously. Was this the best idea she asked herself but despite her thoughts she reached out for his hand.

He pulled on her hand hard and her body was jerked forward closer to him she thought at first but then she saw the light black shadow behind him and she was pulled through. The feeling was like taking a cold shower and she shivered as she went through. When she got on the other side she relaxed straight away.

She was back in her time in her land. They were outside the shopping centre that she and Ro had gone with their group only a matter of weeks before the accident on their last minute search for ROA outfits. Today it was just as sunny as it had been that day and she smiled as she felt the sun penetrate through her skin like a hot bath even through her thick clothes she could feel the sun’s force. It seemed to feel stronger here than it had back in Georgian England but Georgie reminded herself that there wasn’t ozone depletion back then as there is in her time.

Will and Hope [Formerly Ro and Georgie, slowly editting]Where stories live. Discover now