Chapter 14

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A month later Georgie stood on the straw covered floor of the chicken pen that Roland had built on a warm morning a week back. She sighed at the boredom of all this. This was a highly respected, supposedly respected life style to have in the country. Georgie would have preferred to be lying on her bed with her iPod but as she had to feed the stupid chickens and her iPod had finally ran out of all its battery there was nothing else to do than throw chicken feed at the birds and watch them swarm around the arch she’d caused on the straw.

They’d come across the little cottage a few days after leaving the inn and after lodging at another inn whilst Roland sorted out the agreement they needed to live there they had moved in. There was a big garden and a humongous shed that had held two horses before they bought it. They quickly added the stolen horse and Roland and Georgie had left for market the next Saturday where they saw a charcoal grey shire horse. After begging Roland gave in and Georgie named her horse Cathy.

It wasn’t what Georgie had called low-key like Roland wanted but it was small enough for them to be hidden off the map; it wasn’t like they had bought another mansion or something so they were happy and comfortable.

Roland had decided it would be best for him to work in the fields for a few months until the search for the two of them was not a priority and the next scandal couple came along. It worried Georgie though; she remembered reading Tess of the D’Urbervilles and how all the people in the fields were big gossips and their tongues would come loose easily. Roland had just batted the worry away like a professional batsman.

Roland said that when the commotion had gone down that he would start up his own business and he would soon become a farmer, even though Georgie had trusted him so far she thought that his dream was nothing more than... a pipe dream.

Georgie moodily turned the bucket upside down and couldn’t help but laugh when the remains that she couldn’t gather in her hands landed on her most hated chicken; Voldermort she had named him for obvious reasons and because she was a big Harry Potter fan.

As she turned away she saw a man hiding behind the rose bushes. She didn’t really like the bushes; the only roses she liked were the reddest of the red or the darkest black/purple but she wasn’t sure if those roses were around at this time. She definitely hated the baby pink roses that covered the bush. She had tried the weekend before covering the sickly colour with some purple foxgloves she’d found on the side of the road and even though they were doing the job in the short run she didn’t know if they would see next year. Well, hopefully she would be gone by next year and it would be Roland’s issue with Princess Georgina.

“Hello, can I help you?” It wasn’t weird to see people hiding in the shrubbery apparently (well this was according to Roland), especially beggars. “Are you okay?” She bit her lip; Georgian people didn’t use the word oaky. Would she get away with it?

The man just kept on staring and after having a short staring competition with the man (she won!) she got bored and shook it off and walked back into the cottage.

It was twelve and Georgie wasn’t that hungry so she made herself a chip butty. Well it was more burnt potatoes in a piece of bread but it was a little comforting and helped her homesickness a little more. As she ate her sandwich, which for once she enjoyed she fiddled with the silver ring that was on her finger.

She thumped the sandwich down and screeched in frustration. This was so unfair, and she knew she was acting like a spoilt brat but she hated this! She wanted her life back when she could burp in public and use all the slang she wanted and eat something that was edible with a stupid name. She hated that she was stuck here and forced into marrying Roland so that the real Georgian identity of Georgie was not left heartbroken. She had in the end forced Roland that it was best for her to leave before the wedding because she didn’t want him, Georgina did.

Will and Hope [Formerly Ro and Georgie, slowly editting]Where stories live. Discover now