26 ➳ A Day Spent Together

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||John Laurens||

Trigger Warning: Homophobic Slurs, really close smut but not quite o no.

:November 19th 2016:

Today me and Alexander were going on a date to celebrate one month of being together! Haha, we're dorks. There is no need for this but we both agreed on it so this is how it's gonna be.

First we went to the park and walked around hand-in-hand and talked about life.

"How's your life?" He asked me.

"He's fine." I said with a grin.

He playfully shoved me. "Aww, Shut up!"

"So, are you excited about Christmas next month?" I asked him. He looked at the ground and hummed.

"I guess so. I've never really celebrated a real Christmas before. All my Christmases were just spent alone."

"Oh, what? I feel so bad for you! You never have any fun experiences! I promise you that this will be the best Christmas you will ever celebrate! Thanks to me." He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Thanks, love."

I looked around at the scenery of the park. I've never been to this one before but it really was beautiful. There were orange trees, green grass, icy lakes. I'm glad I got to share it with Alex.

"Where should we go now?" He asked me.

"Hmm, I heard that they set up an ice rink at the lake about a mile away."

"Let's do it!"

We ran hand-in-hand together to the ice rink, giggling as we did so. God, we are the dorkiest couple out there.

We rented some ice skates and carefully made our way towards the frozen lake. We exchanged looks and then hesitantly stepped onto the ice. We held each other like we were going to die. In summary, both of us fell a lot and laughed once we did. Ice skating was NOT a natural talent for us two. But at least we eventually got the hang of it.

As Alex practiced skating around on the ice without falling, I stared at him. Not in a creepy way. If that was even possible. He just looked so beautiful in this lighting. The smile on his face was just the best thing in the world. He's incredible. What the hell did I do to deserve such a precious man?

"Hey, babe, you okay?" Alex asked with a chuckle.

I got caught off guard and fell backwards onto the ice. Alex cracked up, resulting in him falling down as well. We both laughed for a while until it finally died down.

I guess you can say

I completely FELL FOR HIM.


I am not funny.

After skating, we went to the movie theater to watch some cheesy straight romance movie. I didn't know why, maybe it was to set the mood.

We were holding hands in the dark. Gosh, it felt amazing to hold his hand like this. I rubbed my thumb along his hand for a sign of affection.

I didn't understand the movie's plot because all that grabbed my attention was Alexander's face. It was hard to see it from the darkness but I could still make out his features. His sparkly eyes, his adorable stubble, his long brown hair that was just above his shoulders, everything.

We cuddle up close and finish watching the movie.

"...And that one scene where the girl almost died!? Whoa, if was just so realistic and amazing! You saw it, right John? It was just such an emotional part! Man, I can't wait to see this movie again one day!" Alexander went on and on about the movie. It was so cute! I simply love it when he's passionate about something.

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