28 - Drunk "I Love you"s

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||Alexander Hamilton||

:November 25th 2016:

"Alexander, please! We haaave to go!" Begged Laurens at my feet. He was currently arguing to me about going to Jefferson's stupid party or whatever. He wanted to go because everyone else was going and he didn't want to be left out. But I knew that was a lie because he likes parties in general and loves getting drunk.

"But you know I hate Jefferson. There is no way I'm going to one of his parties." I said.

He clinged onto me like a child. "Pleeeaaasse!? I'll do anything! I'll give you ten bucks! I'll...I'll make out with you all night! Just please please please, let's just goooo!"

He does look really desperate...


"Okay, okay. You don't have to give me anything but we can go." I said.

"YES!" He kissed me then ran for the door. He turned back to me and held out his hand, "C'mon, babe."

I took it and he pulled me out the room. I slammed the door behind me and we ran out into the parking lot and into my car. John told my the address and I drove us over to his place. I could just hear the unnecessary loud music booming from inside. I was not prepared.

"I'll try not to get too wasted, 'kay?" John said with a wink.

Seriously? Now I have to babysit a drunk Laurens? Perfect.

But I was a little excited to see what he was like drunk.

We headed for the door and I whispered to John before he could knock, "John, I don't want to be here. I might loose you." I said.

"Don't worry, babe. You'll be fine. Just stick by my side. Oh, here is something you should know, I get very flirtatious when I'm drunk and flirt with everyone. So don't get jealous, okay? I don't mean anything I say. Unless it's to you~" He nuzzled my nose with his and rang the doorbell. I was relieved when I saw Hercules open the door for us.

"Herc! How you doing, mate?" John greeted him.

"What's up, fam! Glad you could join us, this party is lit!"

I could tell that he was a bit tipsy from drinking.

"Woo!" Laurens shouted. I squeezed his hand as we walked inside. He immediately walked up to the bar, saying hi to people he knew along the way. Oh boy, I was not ready for this. I hate being alone at parties. I say that because John is probably going to get really drunk and run off somewhere. Oh no.

He asked the bartender for a couple shots of Sam Adams. He was planning on drinking five whole shots! Shit.

"Erm, just don't hurt yourself, love." I said hesitantly.

He ignored me and took the shots he insisted on taking. He shouted with joy and leaned over me. Oh boy, there he goes.

"Woo! John Laurens in the place to be is here!"

Then he ran off somewhere.


I awkwardly walked around and searched for him. Every ten seconds, I'd see a drunk couple making out. It was super awkward.

"Um...Laurens? Babe? Where are you...?" I quietly and awkwardly asked aloud as I searched. I had no luck.

Eventually, I ran into Peggy who was in a corner next to a girl in a red frilly dress. Neither of them looked very drunk so it was probably a good thing to talk to them. Especially if they were sober.

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