Part 1, Chapter II - Tuesday

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Hearts POV

It was dissmissal time, all the student were out of the classrooms and at the waiting area. I go to the lockers area. I open the locker that mommy and daddy got for me and my bros. Since your not to have a locker for free until your grade four, mommy and daddy bought this one, the school allowed it so they put it here. I put my books in the locker and take out my sketch pad and clos the locker. I grab out my pencil case from my bag and head out of the school. While walking through the hallway I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Jason staring at me.

"Oh it was just you" I say. I continue to walk down the hallway. "Hey,wait" says Jason.

"What?" I ask

"You name is Heart right?" He asks

"Yes, why?"

"Liar, your name isn't just Heart"

"Oh yeah prove it"

"Your name is....I know...its...Athena!"

"And how do you know that?"

"Your brothers told me"

I stop walking as he said that last sentence. Oh Im so gonna get them.

"Alright fine, yes my name is Athena...its actually Athena Heart H. Chase. Now please leave me alone" I say

"Hey, you dont have to be mean"

"Im not mean..I just wanna be left alone. Before Jessica see's me with you" I say the last sentence in a whisper

"Whats wrong with Jessica?" He asks

Apparently, he heard me

"She" I turn around looking for anybody else but there was know one, just me and him

"She doesnt like me that much" I add

"She hates everyone, but its ok, ill protect you"


I start walking again, a bit scared that one of Jessica's friends were watching us. Jason grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Hey Athena, wanna be friends" he asked

"You wanna be friends...with me" I ask pointing to myself

"No, I wanna be friends with the wall. Of course I wanna be friends with you"

"Is this some kind of trick?"

"No, I really wanna be friends with you...please" He said giving me puppy eyes

"Ugh, fine, but if this is a trick your dead"

"I promise that this isn't a trick"

"Good, oh and don't call me Athena"

"Alright...Athena" he said giggling

"What did I just tell you"

"Athena Athena Athena Athena"

"Thats its...Im gonna get you" I said playfully.

"Betcha can't catch me" he said running out of the school

We started chasing each other, up till we reached the entrance of the school were my brothers, my mom and Jason's mom were waiting for us.

"By Jason" I said to

"By..Athena" he said in return

I rolled my eyes and went towards my brothers and mom.

"So, you made friends with Jason?" Asked my brothers

"Yah, why?" I asked

"Finally, my twin sister made a friend" said Harvey

"At least I have a friend thats the opposite gender..AND is my age" I said sticking my tongue out at my brother

"Lets go home kids" Said my mom

We all started walking home, me turning around at times to see Jason walking with his mom. I can tell this is gonna be the start of a

new friendship.


Thats todays chapter guys. If we reach 3 votes or 3 comments on this chapter then I'll update it. Anyways, this is Athena, and I'll see you later Fluffs. 🐷 look at dat Jeffrey.

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