Part 1, Chapter IV - Wednesday

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Before reading please read this. Sorry for all the time skips in this chapter. School is just really boring. IRL Grade three was great for me, grade four was the problem. If you wanna learn more about what happened to me in grade four then ask @loveitsleah and @KcBesinga. Oh, and right now, in this book, the year is 2002. Enjoy the chapter!


Still Hearts POV

I rip out the drawing of the car crash and put it in my folder called 'Random/The Future drawings'. Its named that since everything I draw that I don't think about is either random or tells the future. Like when I drew Harvey levitating a book in our room, which happened a day after I drew the drawing, or when I drew a picture of Adam with a cast on his arm because of falling down the stairs, which happened a week after, and especially when I drew Tyler getting a hug from his crush, which happened a month after.

I see my brothers leaving the room. They come back up with the homework our teacher gave us. Harvey gives me my homework paper. I take it from his hand and smile at him, I start to do the homework. I finish it quickly, seeing that it was for reading it was easy, my brothers finished theirs too.

It was 7:00, dinner time. Adam called me downstairs,along with my dad. I rushed down the stairs to get dinner.


(The setting is at their school)

Jessica's POV

Hahahaha! My plan is so gonna work. "Okay girls, you know the drill. Make sure no girl will talk to her,got that.If anyone as much as whispers something to her, then their gonna get a real good punishment" I said to almost all the girls in grade three, including the other section. There were only five girls that weren't here. Luckily those girls were losers.They all nodded, looking quite terrified. I evilly smiled at all of them. The last time I saw a group of people this terrified of me was when I was in prep. I stabbed a little boy pinky with a pencil. The boy didn't cry, he just stayed there shocked. His finger kept on bleeding.((this is true, it happened to my little brother)).

Athena's POV

Me and my brothers were running towards our school while our mommy was close behind us with our trolley bags. We got to school at 7:10, five minutes before the bell rings. Mommy gave the kind lady guard our bags. Mommy kissed us and said goodbye. Once mommy was gone, the lady guard started bringing our bags to our classroom, while me and my brothers walked towards the gym, where we would line up. I went towards the girl, saying hi to some of them but none of them would talk to me. I went towards some of the girls from the other section but none of them would talk to me either. One of them even tripped me. Nobody noticed me fall. The girls were laughing at me. I decided not to go to any of those girls. The bell rang, signaling all the students to line up. I went towards my section and lined up.


I went to one of the tables, a few grade three girls sitting there. I decided to sit with them since there was allot of space. I was about to ask if I could sit when one of the girls said "Sorry, but these seats are already taken". I leave the table. I asked the other girls if they have any seats left, they all answered the same thing. After awhile I decided to sit under the stairs. Being a grade three student is harder than I though, socially at least. I started to eat my food, which was an egg sandwich and some orange juice, there was also some water. I ate my food quickly and headed over to the gym.


It was the final subject, Reading. My favorite subject. Teacher Micah is a really nice teacher.((To my irl friends, yes, I'm using T.Micah)) The class was starting. Teacher said that she had to pee so she went out. Once she went out I put my hand up in the air and counted for three seconds. 3...2...1. Everybody started talking. My brothers and their friends, or as they like to call themselves,The Crew, started clapping. They said that I was apart of the crew too. I said thank you and started bowing, not standing up since I could get caught by Jessica and she would tell T. Micah. I lied my head and arms on my desk, trying to think, when I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn to my side to see one of Jessica's friends giving me a letter. I take it and she runs back to her seat. The letter was folded so it looked like the one you would get in the mail. Before opening it I examined it. On the front, were you would open it, there was a drawing of a stick figure girl and an arrow pointing at her with the words you on it. I opened the letter. The little stick figure girl was also drawn inside the letter, except the little girls body was cut into two. I opened and closed the letter. The stick figure would die when you would open the letter. I read the note that was inside

"Hello. I see that no girl is talking to you. You poor girl. I guess you'll never have girl friends. Thats what you get for not listening to me. The next time you even think about talking to him, things will get waaaayyy worse. Trust me, you dont want that to happen right? Anyways, thats all I have to say. Just writing to you makes me feels sick. Oh, and remember, I hate you, miss Copycat. ~ Jessica the beautiful and amazing"

I look at Jessica. She was smiling like she didn't do anything wrong. I got up to throw the piece of paper in the trash. Rightwhen I was about to throw the paper away, the teacher came in. She asked me what I was doing so I told her I was gonna throw away something Jessica passed to me because passing notes is not allowed in class. She smiled at me and asked me to hand the paper to her. I gave it to her and told her not to read it aloud. After reading the note, T. Micah called Jessica to go to the front of the class. Jessica, for once, looked scared. T. Micah whispered something to Jessica. She sat back down in her chair.


The bell rang, and everybody was going out of their classrooms. As I was going out of my classroom, a few of Jessica's girls were talking to me.

"Your doomed Heart" said one of the girls

"Yah, I bet Jess is super mad at you" said another

"Good luck for tomorrow...NOT" said the last one

"Bye, LOSER" They all said, making an L with their fingers, while going downstairs.

I was all alone upstairs now. There was only one thing I could think of right now, Im doomed.


Kamusta kapamilya! I'm just kidding, hey guys! Thanks for the support on this book. Sorry for the wait. I'm just busy ya know. I'm also excited for something, two things to be exact. The first thing is a family thing, and the second thing is that SKY IS GOING TO THE PHILIPPINES! So.....yah. Anyways guys, I'm Athena, and I'll see you later fluffs. Where's da Jeffery? Oh, and by the way, I uPdAtEd, ArE yOu HaPpY?

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