Part 1, Chapter V - Friends? Best Friends!

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Dear whoever's name is Jessica, I am so so so sorry that I made you a horrible person in this book. Remember that I wuv you. No hard feelings. Oh, and this chapter is for my twin AngryPotato2924 because she keeps on asking my to update. Luv ya my twin. #TwinFTW, get that trending guys. Enjoy the chapter.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No one/Third Person's POV

Heart walked down the stairs quietly, not wanting to draw that much attention to herself. For she was the only student left upstairs. She reached the end of the steps, sighing as she stepped off the last one. She closed her eyes, listening to the silence of the school with no students around. Suddenly, she heard light footstep pass her. She was wearing her favorite pink hoodie over her uniform. The hood was hiding her hair so you couldn't tell who she was. She opened her eyes again to see who was there. She removed her hoodie to see better. Removing it removed her very dark brown hair(its so dark that its almost black), that was way different from the rest of her family. Her emerald green eyes,with hazel tints, which she got from her father, were looking around the place. Yet, she saw no one. All she saw was the passage way leading to the bathroom's and the canteen.(this is based of my school). She heard quiet chatting from the girls bathroom. She tried to sneak pass it, hoping the ones chatting weren't any of Jessica's girls. Those girls announced their group name on facebook a few days ago. They had the worst name ever. They were called The fabulous, amazing, wonderful and pretty gang <3, and yes the heart is included in the name. She started tip toeing pass the door. Suddenly the door opened to reveal a girl with long brown hair and green eyes. She came out of the pink colored room. Heart realized that the girl that went out of the room was not one of Jessica's girls. She let out a sigh of relief. The mysterious girl looked at Heart with confusion. Her expression changed when she saw Heart's eyes. They were different, her eyes being the only ones with tints of hazel. The girl gasped and grabbed Hearts arm and pulled her into the girls bathroom. Heart was shocked by the girls actions so she thought that girl was a new member to Jessica's group. She closed her eyes and hoped that nothing bad would happen to her. "Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you" she heard a girl say. Heart opened her eyes again. The girl had wavy brown hair and light brown eyes. "My names Fatima. What's yours?" the girl said,extending her hand. Heart shook the girls hand and said "Athena Heart, but I like being called Heart more". "I told you that she was the girl being bullied by Jess" said the girl with long brown hair. "I'm Athena by the way. Hey, looks like we have the same name, and sort of the same eye color. We look like twins" she added. Heart smiled. "By the way, this is Kamilia, my sister and that's Willow" Fatima said, pointing at the girls. Kamilia had dirty blond hair while Willow had auburn colored hair. "Wanna be friends?" Asked Kamilia. Heart was surprised at the question. "You wanna be friends with me?" she asked, remembering what she told Jason the day before. "Of course. We are kind of the only girls left that aren't on Jessica's side" said Willow. "Okay" Heart said smiling at them. "Then its agreed, from now on we'll be..." said Fatima "BEST FRIENDS!" they all said. "Or as my brother would say, FRIENDSHIP!" Said Heart. They all hugged each other. They lost balance and fell down laughing. "We should get out of here, our parents our probably waiting for us" Heart said, getting up and opening the door of the girls bathroom. Heart bowed and said "This way out ladies". They laughed again and standed up. They held each others shoulders and walked towards the gates of the school, were their parents were waiting. Went they reached the gates, they all ran towards there parents, saying goodbye to each other first. When Heart's mother asked what took her so long she smiled and answered "I made some friends. Her mother and brothers smiled at that and went home.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sup y'all. So the girls in this chapter are some friends of mine.

AngryPotato2924 as Athena

Withering_Willow as Willow

llamma_lover as Fatima

Woofreoz as Kamilia

Check these girls, and their books out guys. Anyways I'm Athena and I'll see you later fluffs. BYYYEEE! ? were is DAT dang Jeffery,?

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