Chapter 10 ~Our fight with Kakashi!!!~

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Blueberry's POV

So.... He is tricking us to get the bells individually since the bells are just four. But the truth is, we have to act as a team to get a bell. I just have to ask them to work with me. No. They are stubborn especially that duck. They wont cooperate with me *sighs* Okay, I need to make a plan to distract Kakashi-sensei and then, get the bells.

In the present time, Kakashi-sensei is 'fighting' Naruto and the blondie expectedly got kicked in the butt by sensei. How can I distract him? He wont bring his guard down that easily. I just have to join the fight and a clone can get the bells. Yeah.

I looked behind me, about to say the plan to my sister but she is there... Sleeping. I just sweatdropped and sighed. There is no way I can get her to listen to me. She is just as stubborn as the others.


That would be.... Kakashi-sensei. I sweatdropped as Naruto flew, Kakashi just... Haha. You know what.

Anyway, I jumped out from my hiding place and was about to punch Kakashi from the back but before I can even get close to him, he turned around and stopped my punch by holding my fist. I kicked his arm and jumped backwards, landing swiftly on the ground, a few feet away from him. "Please fight me seriously, Kakashi-sensei. I would appreciate it if you would keep that book and take out a weapon instead," He eyed me and slowly put his book back inside his pouch. "Alright," He said while getting a kunai knife and throwing it at me.

"I cant believe you will attack like that. You should attack from behind or from any place where the enemy cant see what you are doing. Like this," I said and suddenly.....

My clone touched the bells but Kakashi thought she will get it so he jumped away from her. Good thing, he didnt know that its my purpose for my clone to JUST touch the bell and not get it. Slowly.... The bells started to turn into ice without sensei knowing it.

"Oh I see.... You wa-!" He was cut off when I appeared behind him, about to stab him with my crystal sword, he dodged it though. "Dont let your guard down, Kakashi-sensei and dont let the enemy attack you from behind. Quit the talking and do it later after the fight," I said to my sensei who has eyes as big as saucers. "Fine then. You're taking this seriously huh," He said. "When did I ever take things as a joke?" I asked instead and attacked him again.

"Please dont go easy on me. Eventhough I look weak, I am strong," I said with determination in my eyes. He rolled his eyes, I mean eye, and just sighed. "Alright. If you say so," He muttered.

I attacked him once again with my crystal sword and he just blocked it with his kunai knife. Then, his turn. He attacked me and I just dodged, sometimes block. Until, I get to slice him in the stomach.... Poof!

He turned into a log and I suddenly felt an unbearable pain in my shoulder. My eyes widened and I glanced at my sensei who just stabbed me from behind. Argh!! I should have not let my guard down! He removed the kunai knife and jumped infront of me, landing swiftly as I clutched my now-bloody shoulder. I bit my lower lip to stop my scream but I just made it bleed instead. I made handsigns with my other hand since the other one is holding my shoulder.

"CRYSTAL STYLE: RAINING CRYSTAL NEEDLES!!!!!" I yelled. Actually, I dont know where that came from. I am just guessing names for some unknown techniques.

Light blue crystals as thin and as sharp as needles randomly appeared above, I mean, its above Kakashi. Then, in a blink of an eye, all of it came raining down in an incredible speed. It was like invisible since its so fast. It was so many!

Kakashi recovered from his shockness and jumped away, but not before getting hit on the shoulder, from its impact, it was buried down in his bloody shoulder. He grunted as he slowly took it out. My eyes are already drooping since I used so much chakra just to create a jutsu of my own. Kakashi then, attacked me again.

"FIRE STYLE: THOUSAND FLAMIN' FIREBALLS!!!!" A voice yelled and thousands fireballs as big as my fist came attacking Kakashi-sensei in a very incredible speed. I recognized that voice. Kakashi jumped out of the way but not before getting a part of his thigh burnt. Ow. That must really hurt.

A figure jumped infront of me, blocking my sight of Kakashi. It was V.

"Velvet? What are you doing here?" I asked, slowly standing up as my tiredness slowly disappeared. "Im here to help ya'! I heard yo' shout 'bout rainin' crystal needles or somethin' then I decided to help since I knew that you're in a lot of trouble!" She said with a grin on her face.

"You dont need to help me anymore. I got this already but thanks anyway," I said while breathing heavily. "Eh? You got that already? Look at yo'self right now! You look horrible!" She said while pointing a finger at my bleeding shoulder. "Oh this? This is nothing. Im feeling fine!" I said while putting on a fake smile. She frowned and removed my hand, slapping my wounded shoulder. I screamed and held it again, knees buckling, making me kneel down.

"Told ya'. Don't lie or you'll face the horrible and terrifyin' consequences," She said while helping me stand up.

"Thanks," I said. I looked at Kakashi-sensei just to see him staring at us. "Let's finish this fightin' thingy! I wanna eat some ramen!!!" V whined and a flaming sword which is like dried lava but flaming, appeared on her hand. I clutched my crystal sword and nodded. But then, realization hit me pretty hard. "Why are we fighting anyway? We are supposed to get the bells," I muttered and she just shrugged. I held her hand and we teleported. I dont know how!

We are now in our hiding place which is a little far from Kakashi and the others. I held my palm out and an ice crystal slowly appeared on it. Soon, when its a a-little-big-but-not-very-big ice cube, it started to crack and soon it shattered into pieces.

Four bells now on my hand.

"Got it," I said and V stared at the bells wide-eyed. "How'd you do that!?!?!?" She yelled and I shushed her.

"I also dont know how but I will tell you later. Lets go back," I said and dragged her to the place where the alarm clock is.

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