Chapter 16 ~Hide and Seek!!~

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Blueberry's POV

"Gets?" I said after I told her my plan. "Yah whateva'," She said, putting her ipod and earphones inside her weapon pouch.

We went a little closer to them and I listened carefully at their conversation.

"Oh. Its such a pleasure to see the Sharingan in person, Kakashi," Zabuza said.

"Hey, do you know where Sky and V went?" Naruto whispered.

"Uhh no.... And about that...." Sakura muttered, trailing off.

"They suddenly told us that they will be back and disappeared. Thats.... Weird," Sasuke said.

"Oooo!! The emo duck-butt is soooooo OBSERVANT and SMART!!!!" V yelled and I just shushed her. They would not hear us since we are a little far away from them but they will see us completely!!

Strawberry's POV

I heard them whispering but I cant make out what they are saying! I moved a little closer and.... SNAP!!

I stepped on a small branch and I bit my lower lip. I wish they didnt hear it. Blueberry gave me a look and ducked a little, hiding herself in the bush infront of us. I looked back at my team, tons of sweat forming on my forehead. I saw Sasuke looking at the particularly-huge-but-not-that-huge bush infront of us. Oh shoot!! Our camouflage is the worst I tell you!! The worst!! Who would not see a red-head and a blue-headed girl hiding behind a bush?

Sky yanked me down and covered my mouth. "Who's there?" I heard Sasuke ask.... CURSE YOU JASHIN!!! YOU DIDNT GRANT MY WISH!!!! "Huh?" Thats Kakashi. I can almost feel the horribly-suffocating tension in the air. Curse you, Jashin. Curse you.

Sasuke's POV

I heard a twig snap behind me and I looked at the bush, which shaked a little.... Or I think it did...?

"Huh?" Kakashi-sensei said and glanced at me, then, looked at the same bush. That caught Naruto, Sakura, and Zabuza's attention too. "Thats weird. I dont sense any kind of chakra in there. Maybe its just an animal," Kakashi said and faced Zabuza again.

Yeah. Its probably an animal. Zabuza continued his story about the final test and about him being the Demon of the Hidden Mist.

Blueberry's POV

I released a sigh of relief but glared at V afterwards. "Why did you move so carelessly? You should have seen that twig," I whisper-yelled and she just gave me an apologetic close-eyed smile. "Well yah. Sorry 'bout that. I'll pay attention next time," She said.



A sound of metal clashing into something made me lower my head. Then, rustling. The bush infront of us is shaking. I gulped and held V's hand. I just used my ice to block the incoming kunai knife. Its automatic. I didnt even think of doing it.

After that, we immediately teleported on a random branch, and based on my surroundings. We are pretty far from them.

Kakashi's POV

"Well yah. Sorry 'bout that. I'll pay attention next time," I heard a voice said behind me and I threw a kunai knife at the bush.


My kunai hit something but it definitely didnt hit one of them. Someone is in there. But.... I dont sense any kind of chakra. "Who's in there?! Come out now!!" I yelled and walked closer towards the bush, Team 7 running passed me. I looked behind the bush and saw no one but something caught my attention. There were small glitter-like things floating in the air. Its just like the thing that apppeared when the bells tied on me shattered into pieces. Its.... Crystal.

Im sure. Strawberry and Blueberry were here before.

And the thing that my kunai hit is probably Sky's ice crystal.

"Woah! Its so pretty!!" Sakura commented while looking at the now-disappearing shattered ice crystals floating in the air. "I knew it. Its Sky and Velvet," Sasuke muttered as one of the shattered crystals landed on the tip of his finger.

Blueberry's POV

"Hoo!! That was a close one," I said, wiping the sweat off my forehead. "Yah! I know right?! It's totally awesome! I can't believe that you can control it like that!! It's like.... It saved you!!" V continued her little rant.

Remind me of getting a packaging tape next time.


I felt the ground rumble a little. I felt it since the tree rumbled itself!! Anyway, I signaled V to follow me and I jumped from tree to tree.

"What's that rumblin' all 'bout?" V asked and I just shrugged. "I dont know. Maybe its Zabuza fighting Team 7," I answered and continued to jump until a huge wave of water came to my sight.

"RETREAT!!!!" I yelled and jumped back. V copying my actions.

Soon, the wave disappeared, leaving wet ground and destroyed trees. Poor innocent forest. Getting swept by a huge enormous wave.

I saw Zabuza getting carried by a.... Kid.... And poof! They disappeared. Kakashi-sensei suddenly passed out and I caught him before he fell on the ground. Then, Tazuna led us to his home.

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