Chapter 11 ~After the borin' exercise~

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Strawberry's POV


The alarm clock rang as I threw my unfinished apple away. "You should have thrown that in our garbage can, V," Sky scolded and I just rolled my eyes. "You think I can hold that thing any longer? I don't wanna wait until this exercise finish," I said and Sky just sighed.

"Whatever you say~!" She said in a sing-song voice thats full of sarcasm.

Sasuke and Sakura came. "Huh? Why is Naruto tied on a post?" Sakura asked looking at the blondie who is tied on the post beside us. "Dunno! We found him like that when we arrived," I answered and Naruto just huffed.

I yawned. Kakashi-sensei arrived as well. "I see, no one was able to get a bell. All of you failed!" He said and I just pointed a finger at my sister, who was holding four bells.

Blueberry's POV

The 'bells' tied on Kakashi's pants shattered into small-ice-crystals-like-pieces. His eyes widened when he noticed this. "H-How did you get those? And why did the bells tied on me shattered into pieces?" He asked, eyes still wide.

I dont know how I did it as well.

"Its just a special power both of us have. As I was fighting you awhile ago, you noticed my clone who was sneaking behind you and you thought that she will get the bells but her real purpose is to touch it and she did, before you can even jump away. Then, I still fought you to pass time since the bells tied on you are slowly freezing and turning into ice. When the process was complete, we jumped back to our hiding place and there, an ice cube as big as my fist appeared on my hand. Soon, it shattered into pieces, leaving four bells which I successfully got from you without you noticing it. The bells tied on you freezed because it was slowly teleporting to another ice cube which I had and it returned to normal but that time, it was just made out of ice and not the actual bells. And now, I made the bells tied on you shatter into pieces and its possible because it is made of ice, gets? You fell for my trick. Now there is no reason to fail them. THEY got the bells,"

I threw a bell on each of them and they gracefully caught it. "Wait.... What? You will give this to us? How about you?" Sakura asked. I just gave her a close-eyed smile. "I dont need one. I dont even need to pass this test. What matters to me is for all of you to pass and it doesnt matter if I pass or not," I explained.

"What?! That's not fair dude!! You didn't even told me that you wer' plannin' this all along!! Screw you dude!! Screw you!!" V yelled while pointing an accusing finger at me. "What do you mean its not fair? I just got the bells for you. For all of you, should not I receive a thank you or something?" I asked.

"Well duh! Thank you! But it's still not fair!" V yelled as she stubbornly folded her arms on her chest while pouting cutely. I just sighed. "Actually, I am not planning this. I was planning to ask you, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto to team up and cooperate with me since that is the only way to get the bells. All of you are too blind to notice this. The only way to get the bells is teamwork. Kakashi-sensei made us get a bell individually on purpose since its only four. Group conflict. Of course I knew what all of you are thinking, all of you thought to get a bell on your own to pass, you didnt even think about your team and fight individually, is not it obvious? There is no way for you to get a bell if you are going to get it on your own. Kakashi is a jounin and all of us are just mere gennins. I didnt go with my previous plan because I knew that all of you are so stubborn and selfish and you would not want to cooperate with me. I will just waste my precious time finding you and asking you to team up with me eventhough I knew that you will disagree. So instead, I just made a plan to get the bells MYSELF and give it to you here..... And that is what I did,"

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