Chapter 13 ~Meeting Tazuna~

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Strawberry's POV

After doing oh so many missions in the past few days, its time to relax. Oh yes. Relax dude. Relax.

"NO TIME TO RELAX AND LIE LAZILY IN THERE, VELVET!!!!! HURRY UP!!! WE'LL BE LATE!!!!" My annoying sister yelled and I just groggily stood up from my oh so fluffy bed. "No need to shout," I said then.........

Realization hit me pretty hard.

"WHAT!?!?!? I THOUGHT IT'S OUR FREE TIME TODAY!?!?!???" I yelled while anime-tears flow down my face. "Eh? Who told you so? Anyway, hurry up," She said and gave me some time.

That 'some time' consists of a two-minute shower, one-minute breakfast, and one-minute preparation. "HURRY UP!!!!" She yelled and particularly dragged me towards our meeting place.

I put my earphones on as Kakashi-sensei told us about our mission, or what I simply call a task and not a mission, I mean.... Is finding a missing cat a mission? A random child could do that all by himself/herself. This is lame.


Blueberry's POV

"Sasuke..... Point C,"

"Im at point B!!!"

"Im at point A! Believe it!!"

"Sky, point D and V at point E," I said since V is just taking a nap beside me. Lazy fat pig. "The target moved!! Follow it!" Kakashi-sensei's voice boomed through our ear device thingy making us almost..... Deaf.

I jumped down from the tree where I was and there, right infront of me, was Naruto carrying a cat who scratched his face to death. Wait, why did it happen so fast? Kakashi havent made a signal to catch the cat yet!

"AAAAAARGH!!!! I HATE CATS!!!!" Naruto yelled and I just...... "Meow," They all stared at me as Tora, the cat, jumped in my arms. I just embraced it and it purred in response. "SKY!!! HOW COME THE CAT DIDNT SCRATCH YOU!!!???" Naruto asked.... I mean yelled.

"Naruto, an animal know if the person holding them or taking care of them hates them or just being forced to take care of them. Since you hate it in the first place, she knew it and started hating you as well. We must understand animals. We must understand what they feel and you cannot do that if you totally lack love for them. We must understand since they cannot talk nor say something unlike us and..... OH FUDGE!!!!" I yelled as I ran towards the falling V while Tora jumped on my head.

I caught her and almost face-planted on the ground. "YOU MOTHER PIG!!!" I yelled as she stretches and yawns. Fudge her.

Anyway, we went to the Hokage and I gave Tora to her owner...... But she doesnt like it that much.

"Noooooooo! Dont give me back to her!! I want to stay with you!!" Tora whined and she kept scratching the fat lady who is like..... Squishing her to death. I just giggled. "Sorry, Tora, but she is your owner. Please bear with her," I said and she just shook her head rapidly. "NOOOOO!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!!" She yelled once more and I just sighed. I cleared my throat and caught the lady's attention. "Excuse me..... But please dont hug her like that. She is feeling quite uncomfortable with your embrace," I said and the lady giggled as she loosened her tightness a little.

"Wait, how did you knew that she is feeling uncomfortable with my embrace?" The fat lady asked and a bead of sweat formed on my temple. Actually, I dont know why or how I can talk to animals like Tora. Its telepathy. We had our conversation in my mind. Cool huh?

Her every meow came as a sentence to me and I just replied in my mind and she...... She understood and replied as well..... SHOCKING ME.

"Well, its kind of obvious that she is feeling uncomfortable with your embrace since she is meowing so loudly and kept on scratching you. She is trying to get out from your tight hug and.... Obviously, she is having a hard time," I said, trying my hard to make my sentence a less-philosophy one.

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